DiRT 4 More DiRT 4 PS4 Action from PlayStation Access

Paul Jeffrey

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Codemasters, via PlayStation Access, have released another interesting look at the upcoming DiRT 4 in action...

Ok admittedly the PlayStation Access crew aren't exactly the best drivers in the world (!) but at least the high quality video shows off the game in new ways, and in this video release captured using the work in progress PlayStation 4 version of the game, the team have taken a slightly different approach as they mix on stage action with some more details about what makes the new game so special.

Claiming to explain "8 things that make DiRT 4 more than just racing", the new 10 minute hands on preview offers up another interesting look at the track action for fans eager to consume as much content action as possible prior to the game releasing this coming June.

Codemasters have been very vocal in the run up to release about the simulation aspects of DiRT 4, claiming the new title will take what made DiRT Rally so popular and expand upon the base in many interesting new directions, which on paper is a very interesting promise and quite the departure from previous DiRT franchise games that traditionally focussed more on the arcade side of the racing game marketplace.

In the previous DiRT 4 in game footage article posted HERE, a number of fans found themselves with more questions being raised than answered by the video, so hopefully despite some woeful driving the boys and girls at PlayStation Access can shed a little more light onto the most anticipated rally title of 2017.

DiRT 4 will be available for Windows PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 June 2017.

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Check out our DiRT 4 sub forum here at RaceDepartment for all the latest news and discussions regarding the latest edition to the DiRT Rally franchise of games. Get yourself over to the new sub forum today and join in the discussion!

What do you think of the previews for DiRT 4 so far? Do you like the look of the game in action? What class of racing are you most excited to try when it's released? Let us know in the comments section below!
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Again im not liking the 2 sliders. It seems completely straight forward to be able to control length, corner complexity AND elevation change. Mixing the last two gives you much less diversity and im sure it will feel very samey after a while. You will always know that everytime you have a lot of elevation change - you also know it will be a lot of corners. It can never be lots of elevation change but a faster less corner track and vice versa.

Its a cool function but they should separate them. Why is it always done as simple as possible? Because its released on consoles? "Oh noes too much complexity and too many options, im scareeeed!". I dont get it. :thumbsdown: Having 3 sliders with elevation and corners separated will give the players much more freedom and give way more diverse stages. I cant be the only one seeing that (im talking to the devs).
Will there even be previews dedicated preciselly to simracers ?

Agree @Alex72, that track generator seems to be exactly just a generator, TBH I expected to see more functions in it too. But they said it is generator, and so it is a generator :D Anything else probably would be called a creator or builder, even only to alter elevations, for example change 10m height hill into 10m depth dip would be totally different geometry, but thats not all it would be totally different UV map, and would need completely different textures and more... I guess tracks will feel similar indeed, but there will always be something unexpected, I guess. Like turn left instead of turn right, or go straight and so on... That should do the trick.

But I guess we should wait and see, maybe it is not so basic. Even if it is basic, it is still big and a very nice feature.
Again im not liking the 2 sliders. It seems completely straight forward to be able to control length, corner complexity AND elevation change. Mixing the last two gives you much less diversity and im sure it will feel very samey after a while. You will always know that everytime you have a lot of elevation change - you also know it will be a lot of corners. It can never be lots of elevation change but a faster less corner track and vice versa.

Its a cool function but they should separate them. Why is it always done as simple as possible? Because its released on consoles? "Oh noes too much complexity and too many options, im scareeeed!". I dont get it. :thumbsdown: Having 3 sliders with elevation and corners separated will give the players much more freedom and give way more diverse stages. I cant be the only one seeing that (im talking to the devs).

Elevation will probably be based on where on the map the stage is generated, not so much with the conplexity slider.
There is a preset landscape with lakes, forests, open areas etc. Each time you press generate a stage will be generated somewhere on the map.

Almost all journalists and players that's got to test it seems really positive how it works, that the staged actually feel as real as in DR, so I'm still positive about it :)
I still don't have any answers in the videos to my one quastion about this game... Does all race classes have proper season in career mode so you can choose to only do rally, only do RX etc or is game like ''Nope, you have done all Rally championships for now, now you have to do landrush and sh.. before you unlock new rally championships''
I still don't have any answers in the videos to my one quastion about this game... Does all race classes have proper season in career mode so you can choose to only do rally, only do RX etc or is game like ''Nope, you have done all Rally championships for now, now you have to do landrush and sh.. before you unlock new rally championships''
You can do a Career of Rally only, if you want. To 100% complete the game, you will have to do all the of the other disciplines ( RX and Landrush ) tough. Paul Coleman already confirmed this on Oficial Forums.
This game isn't like DiRT 3, where the game forces you to do " stuff " you don't like, to progress on Career ;)
Again gymkana I can not imagine at that point not heard the community already had DIRT SHOWDOWN because to join simulation with gymkana on the floor I stole. By the floors to see the gymkana imajenes because I think that time is thrown to the garbage.EN YOUR TIME to focus on the physics of dirt ralli. The best thing that you have done is to be able to acer your eskin with a good tools that a 10 but already this frightened us open again sold the motorcycle condermasters I hope not but I already ace that wait a little time to buy .dirt ralli do not doubt dtrt4 if
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Codemasters, a través de PlayStation acceso, han dado a conocer otro aspecto interesante en el próximo DiRT 4 en la acción ...

Bien es cierto que la tripulación PlayStation acceso no son precisamente los mejores pilotos del mundo (!) Pero al menos el vídeo de alta calidad muestra el juego de formas nuevas, y en este comunicado de vídeo capturado mediante el trabajo en progreso PlayStation versión 4 del juego, el equipo ha adoptado un enfoque ligeramente diferente, ya que se mezclan en la acción de la etapa con algunos detalles más sobre lo que hace que el nuevo juego tan especial.

[MEDIA = youtube] 8OaiU0AJnis [/ MEDIA]
Reivindicación de explicar "8 cosas que hacen DiRT 4 más que las carreras", los nuevos 10 los minutos en la vista previa ofrece otro aspecto interesante en la acción en la pista para los aficionados ávidos de consumir tanta acción contenido como sea posible antes del partido de la liberación de este próximo Junio.

Codemasters han sido muy clara en el período previo a la liberación de los aspectos de simulación de suciedad 4, afirmando que el nuevo título se llevará a lo que hizo Rally DiRT tan popular y ampliar la base de muchas nuevas direcciones interesantes, que en el papel es una promesa muy interesante y bastante de la salida de la suciedad anteriores juegos de la franquicia que tradicionalmente centrado más en el lado de la arcada del mercado de juego de carreras.

En la tierra anterior 4 del artículo material del juego publicado aquí , un número de fans se encontraron con más preguntas están planteadas de respondida por el video, así que espero que a pesar de algunos lamentables conducción de los niños y niñas en PlayStation acceso puede arrojar un poco más de luz sobre la más esperado título de rally de 2017.

DiRT 4 estará disponible para Windows PC, Xbox One y PlayStation 4 de junio de 2017.

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Visita nuestra foro sub DiRT 4 aquí en RaceDepartment para todas las últimas noticias y discusiones con respecto a la última edición de la franquicia de juegos de rally DiRT. Búscate al nuevo foro sub hoy y participar en la discusión!

¿Qué opinas de las vistas previas para la suciedad 4 hasta el momento? ¿Le gusta el aspecto del juego en acción? ¿Qué clase de las carreras son más que emocionados de prueba cuando salga al mercado? ¡Háganos saber en la sección de comentarios! [/CITAR]
The worst is again gymkana I can not imagine at that point not heard the community and you had DIRT SHOWDOWN because to join simulation with gymkana by the ground I stole. By the floors to see the gymkana imajenes because I think that time is thrown to the garbage.EN YOUR TIME to focus on the physics of dirt ralli. The best thing that you have done is to be able to acer your eskin with a good tools that a 10 but already this frightened us open again sold the motorcycle condermasters I hope not but I already ace that wait a little time to buy .dirt ralli do not doubt dtrt4 if
To my eye the track generation feature seems to work quite well and the results look quite natural and believable. John Sabol confirmed that it's surprisingly good.

But as most of you (I presume), I'm rather disappointed that there won't be any real world stages. I have the hope that the engine modifications are just enough to allow porting the Dirt Rally stages to Dirt 4, by some talented moder.
Was a little disappointed that it wasn't a full track editor, and has limited locations. However, having an almost infinite amount of tracks available isn't so bad. The save, share and community rating system will hopefully spawn some enjoyable routes for everyone ...

Quite happy with what I've seen so far and think I'll be making a day one purchase on PC.
And how many of those journalists and players used chase cam with a wheel? ;)

Well, for journalists I meant were people like John Sabol from ISRTV that was quite skeptical when they announced. Def not a chase cam journalist.

The players I were refering to was the people from the community that was invited some time ago. Not many chase cam casuals there either.

I know that you'reskeptical about DR though so I don't expect you to be positive about D4 ;)
some queasy memories of Dirt3 and Dirt2 there (you gotta love how they took great pains to downplay the ghymkana - yuck factor, lol), but that aside i loved 95% of what i saw. doing a career in a customized car with team name and everything will be great fun, also looking forward to rally tournaments with randomly generated stages here at rd, some more breathing space for a chap like me who has no time to prepare at all. day one buy for me, probably even pre-ordering, cause if you're an eager beaver anyway, why not?
DiRT 4 will be a Pre-Order, when available on Steam, for me. This game will be the first EVER that i'll do that.
After the great DiRT Rally, Paul Coleman and all team, deserves my trust, DiRT Franchise is in good hands.
I know that you'reskeptical about DR though so I don't expect you to be positive about D4 ;)
I know it's frowned upon nowadays to be critical of things, but I just can't help myself. I'm a bit hopeful, but highly skeptical. Overall DR wasn't terrible, but for me, it certainly wasn't mind blowing awesome either. Though, if someone was coming from a previous Dirt title and wanted something more towards simulation, I can see how they'd love DR.
  • Deleted member 217114

DiRT 4 will be a Pre-Order, when available on Steam, for me. This game will be the first EVER that i'll do that.
After the great DiRT Rally, Paul Coleman and all team, deserves my trust, DiRT Franchise is in good hands.

I will probably pre-order too, but I am so disappointed to see these floating bricks in DirtFish, etc. It screams all arcade to me. I would have preferred more real-life like challenges, or so. I only hope they don't count for achievements, hehe.
I know it's frowned upon nowadays to be critical of things, but I just can't help myself. I'm a bit hopeful, but highly skeptical. Overall DR wasn't terrible, but for me, it certainly wasn't mind blowing awesome either. Though, if someone was coming from a previous Dirt title and wanted something more towards simulation, I can see how they'd love DR.

I would rather say that we've been without a proper rally game for so long, and DR came straight out of the blue, doing many things right. I def can see why it became such a beloved title.

Perfect? Obviously not. Many quirks and shortcomings, but still filled my rally thirst.