MGP17 MOTOGP17 remixer problems


I am having trouble using the remixer getting the game to work.

I unpacked the MOTOGP2017.mix to a desktop folder then I reopened the folder unchanged in remixer and am trying to save the new .mix file back into the game but the game crashes.

I am using the remixer v0.2.0. I was wondering if someon could send a screenshot of the settings they use when they remix the file back to the game.
ok gys i try
when you want to repack a folder with mixfileremixer, with the prog open first choose option create newmixfile than browse where is the folder uncompressed example motogp2017 folder than when is loaded under there are 3 options mixfile format ok that leave default second option is compress file check that option so the new mix file is mostly the same size of the original,and last choose the new path of the mixfile
than you must rename the new mixfile and must be exactly the same of the original example file mix original MotoGP2017.mix name so the new mix must be MotoGP2017.mix hope to be clear bye
ah i m forgotting for the guy that have crashs, you must have the latest framework on your pc