Mouse steering for SCE Windows 8?

Hello Guys,

So I just bought this game and having a tough time maneuvering with the keyboard controls. I dont have a gamepad or the steering wheel and I dont need one. I just need to know how to setup mouse steering for this game. I tried some online tutorials but they cater to the pre-windows 8 OS. And I am using Windows 8.1.

Thank you.
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I tried this code :(

    # =============================================================================================
    # /////////////////////////////// F1 2014 Mouse Steering Script ///////////////////////////////
    # =============================================================================================
    # This is a modified script, the original script was written by Skagen
    # url:
    # =============================================================================================
    # This script will use 2 axes
    # 1. Steering (X-Axis)
    # 2. Throttle and Brake (Y-Axis)
    # =============================================================================================
    # Use vJoy Feeder to set the axes in game
    # This script allows full car control with just the mouse
    # Move the mouse up to control the throttle and down for brakes
    # =============================================================================================
if starting:  
    system.threadExecutionInterval = 5
    def calculate_rate(max, time):
        if time > 0:
            return max / (time / system.threadExecutionInterval)
            return max

    int32_max = (2 ** 14) - 1
    int32_min = (( 2** 14) * -1) + 1
    v = vJoy[0]
    v.x, v.y, v.z, v.rx, v.ry, v.rz, v.slider, v.dial = (int32_min,) * 8
    # =============================================================================================
    # //////////////////////////////////////// SETTINGS ///////////////////////////////////////////
    # =============================================================================================
    # Mouse settings - Change the sensitivity here
    # =============================================================================================
    global mouse_sensitivity, mouse_throttle_sensitivity
    mouse_throttle_sensitivity = 50
    mouse_sensitivity = 38
    # Additional controls: Wheel Up = Reset Steering to Center @ Line 89
    # =============================================================================================
    # Throttle settings
    # Init values, do not change
    global throttle, throttle_max, throttle_min
    throttle_max = int32_max
    throttle_min = int32_min
    throttle = throttle_min
    # =============================================================================================
    # Steering settings
    # =============================================================================================
    global steering, steering_max, steering_min, steering_center_reduction  
    # Init values, do not change
    steering = 0.0
    steering_max = float(int32_max)
    steering_min = float(int32_min)
    steering_center_reduction = 1.0
# =================================================================================================
# =================================================================================================
# Steering logic
# =================================================================================================
if mouse.wheelUp:
    steering = 0.0
    throttle = 0
if keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.Return):
    steering = 0.0
    throttle = 0
steering = steering + (float(mouse.deltaX) * mouse_sensitivity)
if steering > steering_max:
    steering = steering_max
elif steering < steering_min:
    steering = steering_min
v.x = int(round(steering))
# =================================================================================================
# Throttle logic and Braking logic
# =================================================================================================
throttle = throttle + (float(-mouse.deltaY) * mouse_throttle_sensitivity)
if throttle > throttle_max:
    throttle = throttle_max
elif throttle < steering_min:
    throttle = throttle_min
v.y = int(round(throttle))
# =================================================================================================
# F1 2014 allows keyboard controls mixed with other input devices, so we don't need to set any more
# =================================================================================================
# =================================================================================================
# PIE diagnostics logic
# =================================================================================================
Hi o/

Did you get it sorted?

I did a quick google and found a script from Dec2014 for Automobilista (apparently) Code below.

If you get nowhere I can dig a little deeper - but see how you go first. It may not work but it may give you some ideas. You might want to look into freepie a little more

If you still keen and get nowhere let me know.

import winsound

def update():
   global yaw
   global pitch
   global roll
   global x
   global y
   global z

# initialization
if starting:
   # mouse
   enabled         = False
   mousex         = 0
   mousey         = 0
   mousez         = 0
   throttle_inc   = 250
   throttle_dec   = 400
   brake_inc      = 1200
   brake_dec      = 1600
   mod            = 0

   # trackIR
   x         = 0
   y         = 0
   z         = 0

   xMax = vJoy[0].axisMax
   yMax = vJoy[0].axisMax
   zMax = vJoy[0].axisMax

# mouse sensitivity
global mouse_sensitivity
mouse_sensitivity = 4

# mouse sensitivity modifier
mod = mousex / 800
mouse_sensitivity += (mod ** 2) / 2

# mouse steering control
if enabled:
   mousex += mouse.deltaX * mouse_sensitivity
   # throttle (left mouse button)
   if mouse.leftButton:
      mousey += throttle_inc
      mousey -= throttle_dec
   # brake (right mouse button)
   if mouse.rightButton:
      mousez += brake_inc
      mousez -= brake_dec
   mousex   = 0
   mousey   = 0
   mousez   = 0

# trackIR control for head movement
trackIR.yaw      = mousex / 300
trackIR.roll   = mousex / 500
trackIR.pitch   = 0
trackIR.x      = 0
trackIR.y      = 0
trackIR.z      = 0

# limit movement range
if (mousex > xMax):
   mousex   = xMax
elif (mousex < -xMax):
   mousex   = -xMax
if (mousey > yMax):
   mousey = yMax
elif (mousey < 0):
   mousey = 0
if (mousez > zMax):
   mousez = zMax
elif (mousez <  0):
   mousez = 0

# toggle mouse steering
if keyboard.getPressed(Key.NumberPad0):
    enabled = not enabled

# mouse to vJoy
vJoy[0].x = mousex
vJoy[0].y = mousey
vJoy[0].z = mousez

# vJoy buttons
vJoy[0].setButton(1, keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftShift))   # shift up
vJoy[0].setButton(2, keyboard.getKeyDown(Key.LeftControl))   # shift down
vJoy[0].setButton(3, mouse.middleButton)               # speed limiter

# watch[0].x)[0].y)[0].z)
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