Hello everybody, i'm trying to plan my alu rim rig.
I would like to reach these goals:
- Wheel, seat & pedals fully adjustable for F1, GT & RALLY position
- Simple & Fast Position Adjustment and changes. i.e. with connectors like these:
- Right position for me (1.87x87) & my son (7 y.o. about 1.20)
- 2 bodyshaker for seat & pedals (bought 2x AURASOUND AST-2B-04)
- Gearbox mount
- Compact size (as much as possible), better if there is a solution to fold rig in 2 or 3 parts
Actually i'm playing with Xbox One X on 55" 4K HDR+ and I'll drive with a Kit Logitech G920 (wheel base, pedals & gearbox).
When my wallet will be less empty than now i'll probably upgrade my hardware to PC+DD+HE+VR+3DOF so I decided to invest my money in alu sim rig once and for all.
I read many post about alu sim rigs and I found a lot of infos but I'm a really newbie then I need you help before place my order on motedis to avoid errors.
I'm planning a rig on MAYCAD using some measures founds on forums. I'll post it
as soon as it is finished
I hope that someone will help me.
Thank you to all
I would like to reach these goals:
- Wheel, seat & pedals fully adjustable for F1, GT & RALLY position
- Simple & Fast Position Adjustment and changes. i.e. with connectors like these:
- Right position for me (1.87x87) & my son (7 y.o. about 1.20)
- 2 bodyshaker for seat & pedals (bought 2x AURASOUND AST-2B-04)
- Gearbox mount
- Compact size (as much as possible), better if there is a solution to fold rig in 2 or 3 parts
Actually i'm playing with Xbox One X on 55" 4K HDR+ and I'll drive with a Kit Logitech G920 (wheel base, pedals & gearbox).
When my wallet will be less empty than now i'll probably upgrade my hardware to PC+DD+HE+VR+3DOF so I decided to invest my money in alu sim rig once and for all.
I read many post about alu sim rigs and I found a lot of infos but I'm a really newbie then I need you help before place my order on motedis to avoid errors.
I'm planning a rig on MAYCAD using some measures founds on forums. I'll post it
as soon as it is finished
I hope that someone will help me.
Thank you to all