F1 2010 Multiplayer - online racing?

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
Online seems broken. I wasn't able to connect to a lobby not once in over 8 tries. I'm on a very fast and stable Time Warner connection and it's working because I then immediately went to GRID and was able to hop in an online race without any problems. Fix it Codies.
they forgot to program the message that the lobbie is closed due to the guys being in a race. So most of the time when you want to join and it says 'connection failed', it just means that they are in a race and you have to try later to join. Kinda dumb from codemasters.
they forgot to program the message that the lobbie is closed due to the guys being in a race. So most of the time when you want to join and it says 'connection failed', it just means that they are in a race and you have to try later to join. Kinda dumb from codemasters.

That is very interesting and would explain the issue I was having. Can I ask where you got this info from?
...and in Dirt2 one was able to separate cockpit users from others by setting it to mandatory. Here one is forced to deal with non sim players which have no blind turns, way lesser rain spray...

I'm asking myself why so many developers act like this, setting cockpit VIEW as mandatory so no advantaged CAM users can join doesn't hurt anyone, but this way it does to all simulation lovers.
anthonyl59 said:
Just tried online for the first time....I think I would rather have my eyeballs burnt out with hot pokers than play that again.

Cars were travelling around the circuit at 45 degree angles leaving skidmarks the whole way round the circuit...jumping in the air every few feet......the worst online racing experience I have ever seen.

wow... just wow... i read this on another thread and it does not sound good. anyone else had similar experience or better, i hope.. ?
I also had this issue last night, but the race already in progress would seem to make sense as the reason. Although if i recall in DiRT 2 they would let you at least join the lobby and wait right?

Yah, that was a wonderful feature in Toca Race Driver 3, so instead of loosing players during the session we were gaining people so we were often racing with full servers. That was much better than ending with 2 drivers left and no one can join for next race.
I think Codemasters should fix this issue.
Thought the online is great, no major problems on the PS3 in the UK, except for the muppet drivers who want to smash into you. Which then it comes up you have caused a collision, and this means no XP points for the race.

But the actual gameplay has been good overall, but they need to fix bugs and glitches, which i thought there was a patch come coming anyway.
wow... just wow... i read this on another thread and it does not sound good. anyone else had similar experience or better, i hope.. ?

Yes, not seen sliding cars at all
I like it online so far

If the host leaves the race the connection is picked up by another player
I dont know if the game picks the fastest connection but I can imagine if a player with a slow connection needs to host 8 a 9 cars things are going wrong?

Very sad we cant have replay's of online race's
I had some great moments with guy's I would love to see again
  • Tommytwoshots

I had some great moments with guy's I would love to see again

I have been playing online on the PS3 and have had some great races, I find it best to find a custom setup where the assists are off as this seems to minimize the risk of muppets.

Also seems best to let the pack pull away at the start and then thread your way through the inevitable first corner carnage. I have raced against a few guys who have usernames with the prefix GTP_ and they are very fair, we were racing 20% with tyre and fuel sim on and 4 of us finished within 8 seconds of each other!
I was looking forward to playing online but all I get is a bunch of guys who ram me all the time then sun I get away they sit and wait there for a lap for me to come back then do It all again -_-

Just switch to another room, dont let those fckrs ruin your fun

oh and its weekend now so expect a lot of kiddies online!
(oh wait you cant get online with a illegal copy haha)

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