Multiplayer, the long wait?

Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Now with the TP being out I cannot stop thinking how cool this will be to have a full grid of cars in online multiplayer.

Will some form of multiplayer be included in the demo or do we have to wait for v1.0 to be released?
The MP part of AC is the part that worries me most. All the other main elements (physics, graphics engine, sound engine, UI, content etc seem to be of extremely high quality.

Programming the netcode for a game has never been Stefano's strongest point. In namie it was quite below average and the netcode of netKar Pro (what's in a name) is still not up there with rFactor or iRacing (for me iRacing's netcode is amazing).

I hope Stefano got some help with the netcode or improved his netcoding skills a lot.
I hate to say it but as it is now it would be not playable with 20+ cars on the grid.
The steering lag is just to huge and when the FPS rate drops on a full grid with fast cars, I just can't see it working. Well at least for me with my hardware. I really hope they sort that since the sim is great to drive.
What makes u think it would grind to a halt...not everyone has ubur computers but alot do lol...for guys like us its called video settings and being able to lower them. With my rig the steering lag is next to none so very happy. Woot!... And thats on maxed
No mate, not that bad. GRAKA is a 6870 and no Vsync either.
I can run it with avarege 119 FPS and it's still there but not that bad like below 100 FPS.

Maybe it's just cuz I'am used to rF2 and there I have nearly zero lag meanwhile.
Some people are able to notice it more than others like some also can notice a FPS drop between 120 and 100. (No bashing here, I like the most well known sim games :thumbsup: )

There is a interessting thread on the ISI forums about intput lag which I highly recomend even if you don't play rF2. Lot of stuff to learn generally and very interesting.
@Mirsla Davidovic Are you using a 120hz display?

Uh sorry, haven't seen your post. Yes, but it's sorted now. I bought a 7970 in my despair.:cautious:
I am running it now on pretty low settings but with 200 FPS, can't notice an input lag now.

Should maybe upgrade my CPU too soon as I think there is the bottleneck.

However looking forward to the multiplayer in AC. But most for the 70's Lotus F1 car.:inlove:
That was the reason I signued up to iRacing but I didn't like the car there at all.
I hope AC get's it much better done and I hope also there are some old school guys on RD to Race with this car. If not I am all in with the BMW's. Was never a fan of the Fezza's, to snobish for me. ;)

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