my game crash after installing a new graphic

Hello everyone, recently after installing a new graphics my game no longer starts, below I leave you the logs.

Error might have something to do with:

00007FF9EA197F4E (d3d11): (filename not available): D3DKMTQueryResourceInfo
00007FF9F2D87E90 (dxgi): (filename not available): DXGIGetDebugInterface1
00007FF9F2D552CB (dxgi): (filename not available): PIXEndCapture
00007FF9F2D41A17 (dxgi): (filename not available): PIXEndCapture
00007FF9F2D431DF (dxgi): (filename not available): PIXEndCapture
AC\kgl.cpp (1582): initDX11
AC\kgl.cpp (92): kglInit
AC\graphicsmanager.cpp (69): GraphicsManager::GraphicsManager
AC\game.cpp (23): Game::Game
AC\acs.cpp (450): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FF9F5877034 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk

what I have installed is: sol 2.1, light patch, Inmersive Filter and the content manager.
I also tried to reinstall the game but remained the old files, I also tried to reinstall the visual C++ as said on the site of Custom Shaders Patch but nothing.
I hope someone can help me.