My private ACC Server doesn't run, why?

It is shown in serverlist but you cannot join on the server. I hopefully wait for someone who knows...

Server starting with version 255
Error reading cpSecret
Starting server ACCHOOD
SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.937492
Track monza_2019 was set and updated
Event changed
FileToStruct cfg/assistRules.json
SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.919058
Significant change detected, updating lobby (1|1)
Resetting weekend to friday night
Reset time to friday night: 0 -> 0
Reset time to first session: 0 -> 108000
SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.899450
Listening to TCP 9232 | UDP 9231
Trying to connect to lobby (0 times, interval 10000 s)
Session changed: Practice -> Practice 0
Detected sessionPhase <waiting for drivers> -> <waiting for drivers> (Practice)
TCP connect returns: -1
==ERR: RegisterToLobby TCP connection failed, couldn't connect to the lobby server
Trying to connect to lobby (1 times, interval 13000 s)
TCP connect returns: 0
Lobby accepted connection
Lobby accepted connection
RegisterToLobby succeeded
Sent lobby registration request for monza_2019
TCPQueue now: 4
New TCP incoming pakSizeMax, 0 => 2
Updated lobby with 0 drivers
Last edited:
I have the same problem. The server starts without any problems. Other players can join the session by searching the server in the "internet-lobby"-Tab. For me the server also appears in the list but I cannot join. Before the last update I was able to join via the "LAN-Server" Tab... This doesn't work anymore... :-(
I'm very thankfull for every advise...
hi everyone,
i am having problem to find my server on the list, i try to give the name to a friend but he cant find the server in the list.
i can use it in lan but other cant join.
the port forwarding and firewall are set up correctly i dont understand why it does this....
i have tried everything any help?

Server starting with version 255
Starting server ACC Server BY lello
Joining during race is allowed
FileToStruct cfg/eventRules.json
Translated realtime interval hzToMiliseconds(18)=54

SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.901919
Track brands_hatch was set and updated
Event changed
Reading custom event rules
FileToStruct cfg/eventRules.json
FileToStruct cfg/assistRules.json
SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.915485
Significant change detected, updating lobby (1|1)
Resetting weekend to friday night
Reset time to friday night: 0 -> 0
Reset time to first session: 0 -> 108000
SessionManager::randomizeGreenFlagTriggers: s:0.890000 e:0.950000 r:0.906013
Listening to TCP 9232 | UDP 9231
Session changed: Practice -> Practice 0
Detected sessionPhase <waiting for drivers> -> <waiting for drivers> (Practice)