Cars My rims are oversized. Can't find solution

So i'm trying tochange some rims into the abarth 500, and although the fitment and size are perfect on the 3DSimED3, KSEditor and CM's showroom, when I load the car in a track it all messes up and they show up oversized, as you can kind of see. i've spent hours trying to figure this out seen a million videos and threads still can't solve it.



Please help me.
So i'm trying tochange some rims into the abarth 500, and although the fitment and size are perfect on the 3DSimED3, KSEditor and CM's showroom, when I load the car in a track it all messes up and they show up oversized, as you can kind of see. i've spent hours trying to figure this out seen a million videos and threads still can't solve it.


View attachment 325766

Please help me.
Are there any scale values ≠ 1 on any of the Empties/Nulls? How did you adjust the new rims' size to fit the Abarth?
Anyway try applying scales so that everything is scale = 1.
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thanks, i rescaled the rims before i exported them, so when i imported them on the car, they were already the size i wanted them to be. I don't know if that made any sense to anyone, but i got it to work XD