Near a wall my car starts glitching/skipping

Ok i posted on here before with this problem and no one seemed to have an answer can you guys look at this issue for me and see where the problem is here for me. Every track that i create when u get near the wall the car starts glitching/skipping around. It happens to every person. You can get the tracks to see for yourself at and download eldora speedway or grandview speedway version 2 and any help would be appreciated we cant race at all because the cars skip around. at happens when ur right near the wall and the fencing and stuff i have no idea what too do i deleted the fencing and tried it and that didnt seem to help ever since i bought bobs i have had no help getting this issue fixed its like i spent 70 dollars on something i cant use so please please help me thanks in advance EMACOMAN
I tried to open it in rf but I can't get it to load, it keeps crashing my game. I looked at it in simed and everything looks ok. Only other thing that comes to mind is a collision column around the wall.

[ED] Sorry, didn't mean to repeat your words, I had the reply page open whilst I checked it out :D
Track needs to go into a seperate folder called 2fastracing to work.
Ok the problem is your wall angle, the cars try to climb over it.
You need to keep your walls at 90 degrees to the track surface at the outside edge.

thanks for the help guys i will give it a shot and see what happens this is for rfactor and the mod is dirt factor its a dirt racing game where car goes sideways i will try all this and see what i can come up with thank you very much
You can lean the ones on the straight a bit just incase someone gets pushed wide.
Just click on the shape tool in the wall menu and add shapes by holding control and clicking on the wall where you want to change the shape, do enough so you can do it smoothly.
When you have placed the points just click the 1 you want to edit and just move them similar to the pic till you are happy.

i tried this and it did not help

You can lean the ones on the straight a bit just incase someone gets pushed wide.
Just click on the shape tool in the wall menu and add shapes by holding control and clicking on the wall where you want to change the shape, do enough so you can do it smoothly.
When you have placed the points just click the 1 you want to edit and just move them similar to the pic till you are happy.

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i didnt try any other mod but it seems like it happens in multiplayer only can one of u download the track and check everything out and if u give me ur aim i will send the bobs project file so u can check everything for me

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