Need A Chair With A Flat Bottom!

Hello everyone! My first post!

I've just pledged to a Kickstarter for the Yaw 2 here:

It doesn't come with a chair or have rotation out of the box, so you can either pay $255 for the chair or buy one separately or use one that you already have.

I don't fancy buying the official chair, although it does look awesome, because it'll increase the cost of VAT and Customs fees when it gets imported here in the UK.

So I'm looking for an alternative.

On the Kickstarter page it says that you need to use one with a flat bottom:


Ideally I'd like one from Amazon UK because I have some vouchers to use, and ideally I'd want to spend less than £200...the cheaper the better cos I've already sold a kidney to make this pledge lololol

Unfortunately you can't see the bottom of any seats on Amazon so I thought I'd join this forum and see if you guys and girls can help me.

Many thanks in advance for any help!