Need help, Assetto Corsa quit working with my VR headset- details inside

I dont know what happened with Assetto Corsa, but just yesterday with my Rift S or Rift CV1 and using the content manager set for Oculus, Soon as I go to launch to the track, my VR viewing goes to a black screen inside the headset. Something hiccupped but I dont know what. I know the game is still working cause the track and car is being shown on my Display Monitor. I have always had the VR headset and Monitor hooked together and had no problems in the past when going to VR.

Before this happened, i would always get an black/white Oculus emblem displayed in center screen when launching game to the track, then it would go to VR in the game. I dont get that emblem anymore. Also Assetto Corsa works fine in "Single Screen" setting/mode in the Content Manager.

I have reinstalled the game to just the basic barebones Kunos items, no SOL, shaders patch, etc. I updated my GPU drivers to the latest, and reinstalled Content Manager again.

All other games and applications work great with my Oculus VR headset. So i am completely confused with what is going on or what happened.

Any Ideas or suggestions to try?

thanks for any help,
With AC I sometimes have vr problems, too.

The game starts, my monitor shows the head tracking but in the rift i dont see the game.

What sometimes worked was to close the applications and remove the rift. Then switch it on again, then start Assetto.

If it didnt work, a restart always does the trick, for me at least.

Quite annoying
no problem for me...
with CSP 0.1.25_205 and sol 1.3.1


  • CM with Rift S.png
    CM with Rift S.png
    503.7 KB · Views: 1,435
Something just happened for me with Assetto Corsa. It worked great with SOL and Shader patches and everything with the Content Manager until yesterday with Oculus VR.. It is like a switch just turned on and now I get black screens.

I was going good with track modding until this black screen problem happened yesterday morning.

No other VR game I have does this with Rift S or Rift CV1. Weird.

thanks for the replies so far, Will try the things mentioned in your replies, but I think I have done some of them. I am going to also try my Oddysey + and see if that works with Assetto Corsa, even though I hate using open VR and this headset is not as good as the Rift S far as clarity.

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I had my whole PC freezing up, black screen and the GPU getting crazy hot. This only happened after I installed latest CSP in content manager. A restart would fix the problem, though windows detected issues it had to correct. After firing up AC and running half a lap, boom, black screen and my GPU 1080ti fan going crazy.
After much trying, I set everything at default in bios, rolled back CSP, intalled some EVGA gpu monitor to manually check fan speeds, and finally I can play again. I then installed latest CSP again, and for now it has behaved. Point is, I've never had any issues until I updated CSP in content manager and startet testing Sol. It might be coincidence, but I think something screwed up some windows files, gpu temp control or whatever. It seems good now though.
Thanks Tberg. I also have a GTX 1080 but have not had fan problems.

Please Note: To any others reading my original post and replies here, I am posting this same question over on the STEAM discussions group. So if you see a similar post there, it is me. Hate to give up on Oculus, it has been very good for me up till yesterday. And all the other racing games work like a champ with the 2 Rift devices I have.

take care,
I've had issues with only the mirror being displayed twice. Both times dragging CM out of the main AC install fixed it. I had to do it probably when I first used CM and then put CM back inside the main AC install folder at some point and it still worked fine until recently when I reinstalled Oculus (I think that is what did it) anyway worth a try if CM is in your main AC install folder.
I am kind of hesitant to re-install Oculus software cause everything else - other VR games - VR apps such as SteamVR - VORPX - all work fine except for my Assetto Corsa game. I get black screen with both regular AC game and Content Manager when startup to go to track.

They kind of say not to put the Content Manager inside the AC folder, glad it works for you.

I have tried suggestions above and also some online fixes- even couple from Oculus support section, and nothing yet so far has solved this problem. All I have is the basic AC game installed, no mods.

If I take off the headset and look at the monitor, the headset is tracking when I move it around, just not being displayed in the headset itself. Does this with both Rift S and Rift CV1. I would think that one headset might have a problem, but both of them?

I probably going to have to contact Oculus support and see what they have to say.

Is Assetto Corsa getting too old a program that the new changes and devices making it not work well or at all with VR?

Going to try my Odyssey + tonight to see if that works on my system with AC.

thanks for the great suggestions so far and take care, If anything else anybody, let me know.
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Finally got VR to work with Assetto Corsa.

I have a 4k monitor along with my VR headset, so in Assetto Corsa I set the Screen Resolution in the Content Manager to the highest resolution which was 2640x3120 matching the 4k monitor. It worked in the past but not now for some unknown reason.

So I dropped my screen resolution in the Content Manager down to 1600x900 and VR switching works correctly when launching to the track. If I go to a much higher resolution VR does not switch correctly and I get a black screen in VR headset, but the display screen shows the car and track.

So if you use same resolution as the monitor, VR may not switch and work correctly, at least if using a 4k monitor as I am. Doesnt seem to affect my other racing games yet with the high resolution.

take care,
Finally got VR to work with Assetto Corsa.

I have a 4k monitor along with my VR headset, so in Assetto Corsa I set the Screen Resolution in the Content Manager to the highest resolution which was 2640x3120 matching the 4k monitor. It worked in the past but not now for some unknown reason.

So I dropped my screen resolution in the Content Manager down to 1600x900 and VR switching works correctly when launching to the track. If I go to a much higher resolution VR does not switch correctly and I get a black screen in VR headset, but the display screen shows the car and track.

So if you use same resolution as the monitor, VR may not switch and work correctly, at least if using a 4k monitor as I am. Doesnt seem to affect my other racing games yet with the high resolution.

take care,
Hey Dave,
I have been driving Assetto Corsa for about a month. Now, I get all the way to the drivers seat on my selected road, and none of the controls work. I hear the audio just fine. My hands don't leave the wheel to change gears and the throttle does not work. Everything else seems fine.

Any thoughts?