Need help | CM keeps crashing in race mode :(

Hello everyone!

I'm new here. I have been playing AC for quite some time but in the last couple of months, I begin to be interested in experimenting with some mods... That's why I installed content manager.

Everything was smooth and works well.. except when I wanted to use it against AI! After two or three laps, the game just crashes. And it only does it when I use AI. I tried reinstalling everything, tried to use just official tracks and cars, and even deactivated apps and the new AI behavior setting. But nothing works! It's not a matter of CPU (i5 6600k) or GPU (GTX1070) performance either because I tried to reduce the number of laps and cars to no avail.

Hope you guys can help, I have some log files that I think would be useful but I can't read them with the notepad. Any tips so I can share them with you as well?

Thank you very much!