I got ACC to load and run from Steam (using the ACC (VR) option), but the menu "screen" is way low between my feet. It's as if I'm sitting above the ceiling of the pits, and the menu "screen" is where it should be - about eye level inside the pits.
I probably need to set/center my VR view in ACC. Can someone tell me how that's done?
FWIW, I'm using a Lenovo Explorer headset (WMR) and it's working fine in other sims such as AC, iRacing, RRE3 <knock wood>, and PC2.
I probably need to set/center my VR view in ACC. Can someone tell me how that's done?
FWIW, I'm using a Lenovo Explorer headset (WMR) and it's working fine in other sims such as AC, iRacing, RRE3 <knock wood>, and PC2.