Need Simucube IONI Pro HC (small MiGe) settings - Raceroom

I asked in the raceroom setups forum and the first response was "move this thread". - awesome help!
So here I am!

The wheel calibrates but feels horrible with some very strange stuff going on at center, despite no deadzones.

Appreciate if someone could share their MMOS and in game settings so I can give the demo a try before I buy.
Try this one I'v aded overal filters im MMOS to avoid a buzzing noise from MiGe when car engine is on idle rpm's


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welcome to OSw world!

at least my experience, unfortunately there are so many combinations and configurations of various OSw systems, that it makes it really difficult to share settings.

Largest helping group for OSw users are unfortunately only in the iRacing forums, since it is "really" the "only" game supporting fully all the directdrive systems. (or can handle and allows settings tuning and tweaking properly)

good luck to you, hope you find your settings with the communities help! (although I think all the studios should step up and at a minimum provide base settings for directdrive systems! R3E, AMS, rF2, pCARS, DiRT and AC) AC still doesn't have a proper soft/ steering lock...and on high end systems/ or strong wheels that soft lock, which rubbers back/ or hits back at "lock" can be very dangerous!
Then at the bottom

it is disappointing that all these titles with such great cars and FFB, all of them in their own ways, don't have an intuitive, understandable and straight forward setup of settings for wheels. either have to bother with sliders and effects, decrypting those and or "ini" files in the game folders, editing and decrypting what it all does and means in game...
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Still working for me .I only lowered force feedback intensity to 85 to avoid to much force on big kerbs since smoothing did't work well for me . I'm also changing multiplier in garage settings for cars . I have small Mige with 5 k encoder 480 Mean Well PSU and Ioni pro HC. It's of course my settings they work well for me (they are not briliant ) and can not match Your preferencee
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Globespy, I had huge probs setting up my OSW (big mige), Tomo helped with the technicalities, and the boxthislap settings sheet did the rest. There is also a detailed explanation for the features in mmos and granite:
There are other valuable articles on OSW. Fine-tuning can be done in R3E, e.g. lowering ffb intensity or kerbs, so it's no issue that these settings are originally for iracing. You need to adjust steering ratio in mmos for the different cars. For me, R3E needed an extremely low TBW (220 or 150) to get rid of the buzzing vibrations.
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Globespy, I had huge probs setting up my OSW (big mige), Tomo helped with the technicalities, and the boxthislap settings sheet did the rest. There is also a detailed explanation for the features in mmos and granite:
There are other valuable articles on OSW. Fine-tuning can be done in R3E, e.g. lowering ffb intensity or kerbs, so it's no issue that these settings are originally for iracing. You need to adjust steering ratio in mmos for the different cars. For me, R3E needed an extremely low TBW (220 or 150) to get rid of the buzzing vibrations.
Thank you very much!
I actually have excellent settings for granity and MMOs that I got from Jason Jodarski who is probably one of the most knowledgeable guys in the OSW community. I haven't had the chance to get into Raceroom experience as iRacing has been keeping me busy. It still sounds like it's not quite there and I don't fancy having to change granity settings just for Raceroom experience especially when there's finite writes that can be made to the motors encoder.
Changing MMOs is fine, but not changing granity and saving to the non volatile memory every time I want to play. That's no good for me, or anyone else who doesn't want to risk having to buy a new encoder! I run 1100 TBW for iRacing, which sounds like it won't work for raceroom.
I guess I'll just wait until it's a little more OSW friendly!
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The boxthislap settings are Jason's or Brian Son's, actually, so you are on the safe side with iracing - at least for me their settings worked out of box. Not in AMS or R3E or rf2 though.
Is there something wrong or dangerous with changing granity settings? I use different granite profiles (with different setting for TBW, TEF, TED, and TEI) for each sim rather than messing around with mmos, because the mmos filter and damper setting seem to have side effects which reduce the feedback pleasure (or the "purity" of the effects). I thought these were function safe to change (of course there are settings which one should better not change)?
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The boxthislap settings are Jason's or Brian Son's, actually, so you are on the safe side with iracing - at least for me their settings worked out of box. Not in AMS or R3E or rf2 though.
Is there something wrong or dangerous with changing granity settings? I use different granite profiles (with different setting for TBW, TEF, TED, and TEI) for each sim rather than messing around with mmos, because the mmos filter and damper setting seem to have side effects which reduce the feedback pleasure (or the "purity" of the effects). I thought these were function safe to change (of course there are settings which one should better not change)?
I'm pretty sure just like with MMOs it's not recommended to keep saving your default (or any other profile for that matter) to EPROM once your drive is calibrated.
I've been led to believe that continuing to save settings in granity to non volatile memory is the same thing. It's finite saves
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I am just setting up my OSW from SimCube and intitially it can be a little overwhelming.Is there a simple way to save wheel setups for different racing games.
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Yes. You create profiles in MMOS.
Remember that you only save the profiles, but never to EPROM. You only ever save to both default and EPROM once, that's your default profile and usually when you setup your wheel and calibrate. There's plenty of guides on this.
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for me in MMos when you create a new name/ profile, basically by typing in the name -> i have to click save and then save again for it to actually "save" it. you can watch if anything happens, if you open the folder of you mmos and while you enter and click save it should change time stamp of the ini file and when you open the ini file it should be listed in there. i now add manually into ini and save it. much faster and easier at least my finding.
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