Need your help, please

Hi I own AMS2 and I start liking it it but I do have problems with wheel drivers/firmware and for this I ask for your help: please continue reading

I own a CSW 2.5 and I would like to use the latest drivers/firmware, as Fanatec recommend and I think Reiza has tailored the game also with those latest drivers/firmware.

Problem is I still love AMS1 too, very very much, and that's my problem:
I have a Fanatec CSW 2.5 with driver 328 and I have 90 fps in AMS1.

Then I upgraded to a newer firmware to maximize AMS2 ffb and with the new firmware I began to have a fps dropping in AMS1 that makes that sim not playable any more ....

I made many tests and always happened the same:
- I start the game (AMS1) and at the beginning I do have 90 fps
- then after about 2 minutes (second lap) they begin to drop to around 50-70
- after about 3-4 minutes they drop to around 20 and if I try to continue, they continue to drop to 2 ! ....

It's very strange because even if I exit from the race and go back to the menu and then again I start a new race, the fps do not change from the level they reached before, I mean they stay at the lower I had before and from there they go even lower when I start to drive ...

Only if I exit the sim and restart it, than I restart with 90 fps ... but then it start the fps dropping

When I tried reducing the FFB to 180hz (from default 360hz) I can make more time driving before the drop begin ...

So I went back to 328 firmware, but I would like to use newer firmware for AMS2; what could I do ?

Please help me !
Honestly the best advice I can give is wait and give it a few weeks and try again. Worst case you just have to go back to the older version. They come out with stuff all the time and then take the rest of the month to sort out bugs and you really just have to keep an open mind when playing. It can be frustrating but keep in mind that they do sort stuff out so just keep testing ever two weeks or so. Also it might help if you post a report about the problem on the Reiza forum. Hope this helps.