A new progression video of the upcoming damage model was released.
spot on, just shows you how heartbreakingly limited their ressources are compared to someone like Codemasters. Video looks awesome, apart from the fact that crashing out is never nice.Iracing is superslow in development but they deliver in the end.
Since iRacings socalled New Tire Model was introduced in 2012 both the staff and most(?) of the members have again and again proclaimed that this was the most realistic TM in any commercial sim - so your saying here is not that much in accordance with iRacings and iRacers oppinion.iRacing has become one of the most realistic of all SIM's. It has taken years for the cars to react the way real racing cars do (Icy grass, sudden snap understeer etc.). I have been a member since the very start, but only now do I feel confident that the SIM will allow me to drive as it really is in real life.