Yeah I understand. I've just been thinking about CPU upgrades since I am mostly a VR user for sim racing and have a Pimax 5K+ somewhere being delivered to me as we speak. It's always been in the back of my mind that with a 1080Ti maybe my 6600K is the weaker link in powering the Rift. It's not a problem now really but I've been concerned with the performance requirements of the Pimax and have been contemplating whether or not a CPU upgrade is worth it.
The way you put it really made it click. Don't know what I am going to do just yet but. With CPU it's pretty hard to gauge the performance improvement for games seeing as generation over generation there's such a small increase to the products overall. GPU's are much easier to assess as a gamer first and foremost when looking to upgrade.
I totally get you. I'm on a 2600k and a 1070 in 3440x1440 since a few weeks now. Before it was fullhd only.
With the old monitor all Sims were cpu limited by far! But Witcher 3 etc were limited by the 1070 when I increased settings a bit beyond ultra...
Now with the new monitor it's just a pain. I can tune down graphic settings though and modern games still look really well! My cpu though ..
Having 120 Hz gsync in front of me with the fps limiter at 60 fps because cpu related drops stutter quite a lot: it hurts hehe.
Anyway about cpus: you want single thread, single thread and single thread performance!
Currently the ryzen 2xxx really do suck at it. Great for modern games with well done multi threading but the old racing Sims... My 2600k is almost better, lol.
I7 is the way to go though or at least 6 cores. Four cores/threads are slowing down things. Windows spreads the single thread load over multiple cpu threads which increases performance but still can't use the full cpu.
Anyway, ranking:
1. 9700k (8 cores, can go higher than the i9)
2. 9900k (8c + HT, needs extreme cooling to stay at high clocks)
3. 8700k (6c + HT, just a little below the other two)
4. 9600k (6 cores, can clock very high but in modern games the others will beat it)
So if you want to upgrade now, get one of these! If you can wait a little longer, I'd suggest waiting for ryzen 3xxx. They look very very promising regarding single thread performance!