New lighting, new shaders, 15 shots.

yeeh Im explaining nothing. I think im about to release this new "lighting patch".

If i am correct, the pictures from Spa04 showing, that the trees (seems the original textures from Simbin) looking way better.
Picture 4 and particular 6 (Nurburgring) the trees have in my opinion a wrong vertex-shader ?
Correct this to "normal-point-up" will give GTR2 and other dx9 titles a lot of better tree Look, or not ?
Picture 4 and particular 6 (Nurburgring) the trees have in my opinion a wrong vertex-shader ?
Correct this to "normal-point-up" will give GTR2 and other dx9 titles a lot of better tree Look, or not ?
Yes trees in general look better.
And yes in the "EEC_Nordschleife_VLN" they look wrong.
I just re tested with original GFX.gtr (file) and its the same.

I have seen that these trees have a thing called "chroma texture" or something on 3dsimed. But i am not track editor. So I couldnt do anything.

My guess is like a 10% of tracks may need some update.

I think it would be great when I released (in a few days) that track guys start uploading some updates.
Or help me on correct something.
glad you like it man.
Thanks for reply holacrosty,

i am in using the gfx.gtr from bjarne, here at rd, Version from Sommer 2020,
testing now since 3 Month and have the best experience with this !

At the moment i reworked EEC-Nordschleife, good posssible, that this is the same Version from the pictures, the trees are to 70 % reworked from me (postition, texture, blending etc.)
I am satisfied with this, but my level is possible very "vintage" !?

chroma-blending means simple-blending,
alpha-blending means multiple-blending, so far i know.

Trees in the ISI-Engine 1 and 2 get a better look imo with simple-blending as basic model (lod for example 1200) and multiple-blending as second gmt-model (lod 500, for older pcs).
And vertex-normal-setting to point-up.
T1- shader, only one Texture + specular black to bright green - yellow (for every Tree another colour),
a lot of testing - try and error.
I try to give Trees - Grassblade etc. a more specular-realistic look for the day with correct interpretation to the sun-position, with spec - bump maps other shaders an so on, but till today without a good result.

There are shaders from AMS1 - rfactor2 in 3dsimed - for Trees and Vagation, not for the older ISI-Engines.
Looks good from what I can tell :thumbsup:.......maybe 8.jpg the sand traps a bit bright but I guessing that would need to be fixed by track guy

Yes Durge-Driven, this will be change with reworked the T1 Channel0 Basic-Texture + specular Textures for example, this will be "fine-tuning".

Its important how its looks in the Game (sorry Simulation :) ), from night-morning-day-evening.
.......maybe 8.jpg the sand traps a bit bright
Yes some sand tends to look overbright. And some grass to look white.

I think all tracks are done to work with the careless shaders that they have at that time.

My patch forces the maximum use of dx9 and the only option of SRPL to be used on every track pointed shader,
But some tracks are like pointed to use dx8 or who knows what shader and workaround.

So I assume SRPL shaders work properly.
And then came the results.
Like 90% better, but not all.

It would be great if track guys do updates and get motivated once they discover what they can now achieve.
There are shaders from AMS1 - rfactor2 in 3dsimed - for Trees and Vagation, not for the older ISI-Engines.
yee.. I cant say too much about track editing.

I remember Bjarne knows a lot about shaders also but I think he is more with VR working now.

but remember that now the shaders work properly, not like the old ones or like the ones that Bjarne try to workaround (and did a great effort that motivates me).

So with this patch you will really know what those shaders are meant to do.
Thank you for reply holacrosty,
and yes - i have huge respect for Bjarne, he wrote and is writing very seriously.
SRPL - Shader to implemantation will be very good (not only for cars).
I try since the hope-track for rF1 to find a solution to get a nice rF1-sun-postion (for rF1-tracks - not for GTR2),
lence-flareb etc., Reiza used this SRPL imo very intensive to "tuned the rF1-Engine" with great success.
If i find my upload-login - i can upload the EEC-Nordschleife updates, and a lot of others, but the permission is for me very important, dont know if RD-Forum is allowing GTR-Evo converts with a lot of reworking for download.

Thanks for your activities on GTR2.
White grass and sand traps are due to a fault in the Simbin Diffuse
Diffuse T1 mul T2 Add T4 gets changed to T1 Add T2 Mul T3
And off Couse the other ways around.
Which s why 3DSimed downgrade the diffuse shaders to DX 8 . Unless you force dx9 by only include Dx9 shader in the 'Hardwareshaders" folder

I didn't write the SRPL shader at all but I do use parts of them.
Wish I have made a proper set of a GTR2 version long time ago which would have made it easier for modders to convert mods to Gtr2.

Did play around with a new Sun shader for Gtr2 as the one the Simbin games uses sucks. special in VR where the Sun flares acts on the screen not on objects and from the sun itself.
Working on a conversion and some tracks for a mod right now but would like to get back to making a better sky / sun shaders for Gtr2/ Simbin .

Always wanted to convert the hope track with SRPL shaders would be nice if someone did so we could see if there was a real improvement?
Thanks Bjarne.
I use your gfx.gtr from Sommer 2020 (dont know wish Version this is 1.9 ? )
And the look in GTR2 - P&G - GTL-converts to GTR2 really impressive.

With the Shader-Change - i cant understand till today correct :) .

Open a lot of tracks in 3dsimed 3... and reworked the grass complete in t1-multt2-addt3 with the grass_add from the vlm-team, better i cant find or do myself (32bit with alpha-channel).
In 3dsimed- its look a little to dark, than in GTR2 its o.k. and the grass have with the vertex-shader of the polygons a good "Shine-effect".
If this will be correct ? - i dont know, but the look from the terrain was for me often disappointing and after a lot of work it will be better-in my opinion.

Very interesting will be to use for the terrain (grass-mountains, Fields etc. T1lerpT2multT3addT4 - a commercial "test" was Silverstone from rF1 - if i remember correct).
But the blending effects from texture to texture-at this shader mystery for me.

If this is allowed here, i can upload the Nordschleife from EEC after Years from updates,
but this is a GTR-Evo convert, dont know if this will be o.k.

Have a look in the new Night-Skies from the GTR233 Collection-packs.
This are also a huge step forward - looks for me very nice (but my claim are not very high, because i dont play newer Sim-Race-Games - better for my relationship to the ISI-Moto- 1 + 2 - Titles :) )

The srpl-shaders from the hope-track was basic for the AMS1 Sun atmosphere.
I havent a real result to implementation this in rF1-Tracks (main problem at last the correct Sun-position. Sunshine in the Night at 1 00 clock isnt real :) )
Possible that this will be better in GTR2 - here we have separat Sun and Moon - Models
Easiest way to fix the grass is to add a black white small textures.
Change all 3 texture Diffuse shaders to 4 texture shaders
For example.
Diffuse T1 add T2 Mul T3 change that to Diffuse T1 add T2 Mul T3 Mul T4
Where T4 are a white texture.
Mul with a white Texture does nothing except over riding the 3 texture fault.
You can find a texture called in my dx9 tracks.
Called it that so it shows up fist in the list .
f this is allowed here, i can upload the Nordschleife from EEC after Years from updates,
but this is a GTR-Evo convert, dont know if this will be o.k.

Conversions to and from other Simbin games are allow also here on RD.

The srpl-shaders from the hope-track was basic for the AMS1 Sun atmosphere.
I havent a real result to implementation this in rF1-Tracks (main problem at last the correct Sun-position. Sunshine in the Night at 1 00 clock isnt real :) )
Possible that this will be better in GTR2 - here we have separate Sun and Moon - Models

You can't just use the srpl shaders skiboxi and shaders in Gtr2 as the skyboxI GMTs are completely different.
The skies are fine in Gtr2 but it would be nice with better sun lens flairs.
Had some ambitions in the past to separate skies and clouds like the srpl shaders do and make the clouds 3D looking and have them cast shadows on the ground :)
Not just a fixed shadow caster like some rf1 tracks got but real moving lighter shadows.
But my 3D skills are not up to that. But do find it utterly pathetic that even modern race sims do not do that.
And now I am nearly 100% into Gr2 VR and shadows are hard on the cpu load in the gmotor2 games special in VR where the cpu got a lot of other things to do.
yes SOLVE IT! And the rest of tracks got better on FPS also and run smoother :)

Just edit your "boot.ini" text file and add the line " /3GB /USERVA=2800" (if you have 4GB Ram)
So my "boot" line is now (2929Mb for me work fine):

[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /3GB /USERVA=2929

This is me going for a lap first time in the mornig :)
GTR2 2021-02-11 13-47-01-781.JPG
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