New Release Candidate which includes driver labels

I thought they were to have given us quicker loading recently. It takes 3 minutes to load into Le Mans with a single GT3 car on a system with an i9900k, 32 GB ram, a GTX 3080Ti and a dedicated rF2 SSD. WTF?
I get 3 mins for Lemans as well.
They said a dozen times they improved load times but I can't see it.
Belgium Italy '60 used to boot in 10-15 seconds now take longer.
Spa Silverstone Virginia take me 40 seconds.
Other thing changed is no improvement loading it for a 2nd time.
Nords and Lemans I just make tea or do some menial task for 3 minutes.

This and all other bugs I work around the best you can
With all that I still rather lap this

edit: As well old UI is
1st load of Lemans 2 minutes
2nd load 35 seconds

1st load Belgium 20 seconds
2nd load 10 seconds

old UI the 2nd load time is faster
new UI 2nd load time is the same
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I thought they were to have given us quicker loading recently. It takes 3 minutes to load into Le Mans with a single GT3 car on a system with an i9900k, 32 GB ram, a GTX 3080Ti and a dedicated rF2 SSD. WTF?
S397 acknowledge on discord there is an issue loading times with the new RC build. A few people have reported the same issue. Some are seeing over 3x slower than the normal build.

S397 response:
"Looks like there are some issues with the shader cache. We'll look into it and get it fixed."