New TH8A Shifter question

Greame Champion

Hi all,

Just got myself a new shifter and have to say its awesome, what a great piece of kit. I did not realise how much it would change things and one thing that I have really been enjoying is sequential stick shifting.
The TH8A manual seems to suggest that I should pull towards me to shift up and away to shift down.It feels good that way but before I train my brain is that the right way to go?

Thanks Greame
The idea behind it is when you brake (in real life) you are decelerating and your body due to its inertia wants to move forward.
So it is physically easier to push to shift down when braking, because you are already moving forward.

But in a lot of road cars (including Porsches(!)) the gear lever does it the otherway round, so push to upshift and pull to downshift, because "normal" people can remember this better or something.
BMW e39 pre-LCI has it the otherway round than after the facelift ;)
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