Newbie help with downloaded cars

I`m a long time gamer but new to AC. Just bought the game, and my focus is on older moore or less classical cars. Have downloaded a few, some works fine but others won`t even load. And some loads up fine but will not move off the grid, like the 1965 Jaguar E-type and the Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing.
Tryed to strengten the clutch but that was not the problem, checked the drivertrain, enegines++ but I`m running out of ideas. Heelp..

Been a long time since I made veh-files for SCGT btw, looking forward to some good racing here
I`m a long time gamer but new to AC. Just bought the game, and my focus is on older moore or less classical cars. Have downloaded a few, some works fine but others won`t even load. And some loads up fine but will not move off the grid, like the 1965 Jaguar E-type and the Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing.
Tryed to strengten the clutch but that was not the problem, checked the drivertrain, enegines++ but I`m running out of ideas. Heelp..

Been a long time since I made veh-files for SCGT btw, looking forward to some good racing here
the AI has been changed a lot over the years, you can try opening the AI app while driving the car yourself in Hot Lap mode (Practice does not work) and change the variables in there. But in general I assume you got these cars from a source that did do them bad from the start (copied physics mostly) and did no maintenance when patches required it
Thanks jinprssnr, I have allready downloaded the Content Manager, will try it out.

Yeah, those homemade cars are mostly a ghraphic vision of the actual cars with some unspecified "car-physics" added. I`m used to that from games like GTR/GTL. But modifying and fine-tuning vehicle-physics is my passion so I think most of those homemade oldtimers will run great later on.