Newbie to rFactor2

Hi All,

I'm an Assetto Corsa regular but this year I brought a Radical SR3 RSX and no sim has one until I stumbled on rFactor 2. So I downloaded it. I will pretty much just use rFactor 2 for the Radical which over the winter will keep me on the boil.

I use VR and that seems to be fine. However my Fanatec CSL doesn't feel great. Can anyone recommend settings?

Are there any apps where i can see just individual bits of information on the screen whilst in VR, i.e Tyre Pressures, Temps, Lap Time/delta Throttle and Brake inputs without having the whole HUD on the screen?

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I am surprised how many FANATEC users ask for advice and never mention FANATEC in the FanaFecking title!
rF2 is not the most user friendly title and you will get more focused help if you let us know what your issue is. We don't read every thing, we don't know everything. So, if possible, add FANATEC to the title so that FANATEC users might have their attention drawn to you.
Good luck.
reading that back sounds harsh, was meant to be helpful.
My Fanatec CSW V1 feels fine 'out of the box', never understood people requiring specific set up tips as I've never tweaked it...
(Probably got it all wrong obviously but it feels natural to me and I can feel slips and slides without having to wrestle the wheel too much so it suits me)
FFB is also totally subjective. What feels great to me might feel rubbish to someone else.
What exactly is your wheel telling, or not telling you, through the FFB?
@davehenrie my post is not just about Fantatec.

@ZeroRisk - Whilst I can control slides etc, the wheel feels very clunky and not smooth, its constantly rattling whilst moving in straight line, you can feel the motor almost working overtime.

This thread can be deleted as I have found a thread on Studio 397 which highlights the issue with the CSL and rFactor2. I might just buy a CSW.
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One thing i love about RF 2 is it works like a sim not a Arcade. If you join the lifetime membership on steam you can get mods straight into game. Or you can find a bunch of mods here on the RD site if you are ok with downloading it yourself and navigating folders.