News from SimBin

Ramon van Rijn

RaceDepartment Co-Founder
Today we received this community letter from SimBin. will discuss the headlines in our staff forum also because of some parts regarding Modding. Feel free to start discussing in public while the staff is forming its own vision for RaceDepartment.

Hi there

It has not been long since my last mail, but things are happening at a frantic pace in SimBin at the moment.
Here is an update on all that’s going on….

We have announced the “Swedish Touring Car Championship” game which should add even more drama and excitement to simulated touring car racing with the new car models which will slot in perfectly with your RACE 07. The addition of another rear wheel driven car should provide for some epic battles with the BMW’s, and the tight and undulating Swedish tracks are the perfect venue for it.

To answer the main question regarding STCC, it is not just for Swedish simracers! It will be available to everyone via Steam and will also be available in shops in some territories. Release date is yet to be determined. Like with all other expansions to RACE 07, you will get it at a very favorable price if you already own RACE 07… if not, then it’s a great package to get you started ;)

As you all probably know by now GTR Evolution has been released worldwide on Steam, I hope many of you will have dedicated servers ready and I know quite a number of your communities have planned special events to celebrate. We are extremely happy with the feedback from you so far and we hope GTR Evolution will indeed become the platform of choice for your leagues in the future.
Our data and our physics engine is more precise than ever and as many of you have already experienced the tire model in GTR Evolution is far more advanced than in previous titles.

We are aware that those of you into endurance events are missing some features, but it’s impossible to cram every cool feature into a game and ever have it released, that’s a simple fact of life. Even if we would love to get everything into the final release we have to make very hard choices regarding features constantly, and adding endurance features is so much more than just slapping in a new tire compound and some dark skies. We only do things if we have the time to do them right!

One review called GTR Evolution a “Best of SimBin release” and we like to think that line hits the nail on the head. It has all the best content from previous titles, the best physics, the best graphics and the best gameplay all rolled up into one neat package.
Yup we are proud of the results as you can see, and our only problem is how we are going to top this one… but we have a few ideas ;)

Also this past week we showed off our first ever console title at the European Games Convention in Germany.
So far the reviews have been extremely positive, and we are ready to take on the big titles like Forza and Project Gotham and show that true simracing CAN be done on a console. Believe me, RACE Pro is no simple arcade title and it will turn heads in the console world when a title with focus on simulation hits the shelves. That being said I think it is important to underline that we are still developing for PC as our core business and of course we are as dedicated to true simulations as we have ever been. RACE Pro should be interesting to you PC racers as well since it gives the first view of our multi platform “Lizard” engine.

In the past SimBin have applauded serious modding groups and have even employed the help of some as well as recruit new employees from the groups of talented individuals. We have every intention of supporting quality mods, customs skins and all the other changes that make our games come alive with the help of dedicated modding communities across the globe. GTR Evolution underlines this statement by being relatively easy to add new and unique content for.

But… SimBin can no longer afford pouring funds into creating unique quality content for competing titles. Lately the mutual respect that used to exist seems to have vanished and now straight conversions between competing titles are done in a matter of minutes after we release a new game. Our Nürburgring and Macau are prime examples. Unless something is done to stop this we will no longer be able to afford creating quality content and with 10Tacle fresh in memory I think it is clear that some individuals in the simracing community are effectively ruining it for everyone by their actions and that there will be no more new titles unless this behavior is stopped.

Straight conversions require little skill, no imagination and it is nothing but petty theft. True mod making is the addition of NEW, fresh and unique content to a title… not stealing content for use elsewhere. I hope all of you will consider this and take matters into your own hands by not allowing these conversions in your own community.

This is a wake-up call. Things must change now if SimBin are to deliver any new titles on PC, and the change can only start with you dedicated simracers saying “enough” !

If you have ideas on how to change the way things are at the moment or what can be done to ensure a more “fair” way of modding in the future then let us know, we are interested in solutions much more than in assigning blame. The alternatives are either lawsuits which we really don’t want to resort to, moving all developments to consoles where things are not stolen, or you guys taking up the challenge and create an environment in YOUR community where conversions are not accepted. If you agree with our stance in this, then let your concern be heard in those forums and gathering points where piracy seems to be an accepted standard.

We hope you can make a difference in the battle against theft and piracy while allowing the true modders to create their works of art adding to the fun and enjoyment of everyone

With GTR Evolution released, STCC around the corner and RACE Pro not too far away this has been a furious ride for SimBin the past months, but we have more in the pipeline and we expect to deliver more quality content in the times to come. We have some extremely interesting licenses lined up and you will be the first to know when we are ready to unveil our next project.

Finally we are happy to see this family of fansites, communities and racing leagues grow along with us and we are proud to see the passion and dedication our titles inspire… so keep up the good work!
Well some very strong words there about the modding community. I think one of the problems is, how does the average Joe on the street know he is using content that has just been ripped off from someone else. Not being technically minded enough to understand the full process I would find it difficult to tell them apart. Maybe simbin could implement an approval system, where they approve every mod. Would be time consuming but a good way to combat the rogues.
Neil has a good point. Something like a Sim bin approval or "Fair mod" stamp would be a good solution. If it comes to computers I'm a total caveman. If cpu no work I SMASH with big club, that's about as technical as I get with cpus.:becky: Or maybe a site with a list of sim bin allowed mods,which in turn could be managed by anybody within the company. Shouldn't be all to difficult. One thing is for sure:KEEP SIM BIN ALIVE!!!:amen::amen::amen:
  • Chris Noble

Looking forward to having more touring cars, would be good to have the new STCC cars mixed in with the WTCC cars. I would assume they should be run to similar regulations to make them all competative with each other? Whats the other RWD car they mention? The Merc thats just to be mentioned?

I believe what did was a very good way to get round the issue as its a very well known site where everyone goes to get the mods and tracks, but only legal stuff is allowed, so its only the true mods and authorised mods that get on the site.

The GTR/RACE games dont really have this sort of thing. I believe the best way of solving it is like what rfactorcentral did by the community. After all if the community has a overwhelming consensus that its wrong and just not done attitude to stealing content then new people and others are less likely to do it. Although there are exceptions for people who just have no moral standing in life.

PS: When was the last community letter? I havent seen one anywhere, anyone got a link?
  • Razvan Pat

It would be nice if the tracks could be somehow branded so that everyone can easily recognize who the developer of the track is
i think templates are not that importend, reading simbin may drops pc development is the shocking part
and we have to do something that this will not happen till now i dont have a real clue how it can be done
but we have to find a solution hand in hand with simbin cuz both simbin and the comunity cant stop this ripping on its owne
  • Bill Bailey

I think the problem is not mods made for GTR but tracks/cars being converted from GTR into RF or other sims. Maybe a shame list either on RSC or on the Simbin site, listing content for other sims that was taken from a Simbin sim.

I think it´s easy to support Simbin. First step: use original tracks and cars from Simbin (GTL/GTR/Race/Evo), then tracks could be checked carefully to verify it they weren´t stolen from other sim. Are the tracks created from scratch? Converted with legal permission? The same to the cars.

I allways disliked add-on track for GTR. In some of them you couldn´t warm the tires up, in some others the tires overheated. Some had poor textures and so on... I can´t figure out why on earth you have wonderfull tracks from Simbin, with live track, fantastic tracks, and then they´re left aside... F1 runs in Monza for 50 years, Nascar runs in Watkins Glen for ages, Daytona, the list goes on and on... but some guys have to have all tracks of the world. I can live with that, but it is not easy to undertand.

With the cars it´s even worth. You have the original cars, based on real data from the real cars, but some guys wants a 4wd cars mod. Not easy to understand. There are some platforms that are opened for mods, like rF. Not easy to understand, also.

Well, that´s my opinion. Hopefully I won´t be crucified for that.

[ ]´s
I think it´s easy to support Simbin. First step: use original tracks and cars from Simbin (GTL/GTR/Race/Evo), then tracks could be checked carefully to verify it they weren´t stolen from other sim. Are the tracks created from scratch? Converted with legal permission? The same to the cars.

I allways disliked add-on track for GTR. In some of them you couldn´t warm the tires up, in some others the tires overheated. Some had poor textures and so on... I can´t figure out why on earth you have wonderfull tracks from Simbin, with live track, fantastic tracks, and then they´re left aside... F1 runs in Monza for 50 years, Nascar runs in Watkins Glen for ages, Daytona, the list goes on and on... but some guys have to have all tracks of the world. I can live with that, but it is not easy to undertand.

With the cars it´s even worth. You have the original cars, based on real data from the real cars, but some guys wants a 4wd cars mod. Not easy to understand. There are some platforms that are opened for mods, like rF. Not easy to understand, also.

Well, that´s my opinion. Hopefully I won´t be crucified for that.

[ ]´s

I am just a little unhappy cause the porsche gt2/3 are not in the game.
Maybe with some add ons its possible.
  • Bill Bailey

The Porsches are in GTR2 it shouldn't be a major problem or a license problem to add them to Evo. It may even be as easy as copying the files from GTR2 folder to Evo folder.

RE: Modding - if its importing ripped off content into Simbin games that is the question, then a simple solution may be for Simbin to implement and provide some kind of registration or authorisation key for mods and modders to get their content recognised by the game engine (not for skins and suchlike but for real mods, cars, tracks, etc).

There will always be hardcore crackers and hackers trying to get around these things, but this would help stop the majority and the innocent importing content that they don't know is stolen from elsewhere in to Simbin's releases ...

BUT ... I think the real problem Simbin have is the other way around ... ie. taking Simbin's developments and porting them directly for use in other games and creating "unauthorised" mods of cars and tracks etc.

This way round its tougher to stop ... unless ... Simbin talk to the competition and they all agree to implement the same kind of thing ... could be a solution as they are all in the same boat aren't they?

The "hall of shame" for stolen content between games is a good idea in principle for people who care, like people round here, but the majority of people will not check such a thing when implementing mods ... unless ...

... a final quick thought I just had on this topic would be for the modders/developers ONLY to publish their authorised mods on a central web-site, and all the rest of us only download from there?

(cor he went on a bit eh ... sorry!! :p)
  • Antoine Morin

The thing that choke me is that the folder tree is the same for every games ... so nothing can be done apart changing the engine of the game...

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