Nextion Template PORSCHE GT3 ALMS

Misc Nextion Template PORSCHE GT3 ALMS 1.1

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Sorry, but i need some help with your file. I´ve downloaded but it installed it as a dashboard-file and not as a nextion template. How do i get this to my nextion template folder as a tft-file?
Thx in advance
This works on nextion 4.3 (I have Enhanced version)

But some values are not working for me.

Page0 Oil temp value
Page0 Water temp value

Qualy LapTime
Qualy FuelLevel
Qualy Predicted Time
Qualy Delta Progessbar (negative & positive)

Race Fuel Used
Race Fuel Per Lap
Race Fuel Press
Race Fuel LEVEL
Race Time Diff
Race Pred. Time

In all pages Press F and Press R are not working and I don't know if Brake Bal is working or not.

What properties or functions I need to map on SimHub?

In other hand, what is the AC?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my question, I know this will be working "out of the box" but I prefer to send you a message before change any property

P.D.: I have installed the last version of ACC-CDS of Ensi
Well. Finally I fix the problems on this DashBoards.

Please, remember you can not use spaces on the var names on Nextion Editor (Errors on debug and compile processes).

If you change the spaces on var names remember to change ito too on mapping file and insturction files.
hi Antonio_199
sorry for late answers, but for your request, now it's to many work for me now, if i find time maybe i'll try to create,
can you try and see what happens, maybe is enough
Hi again
Bien. Enfin, je corrige les problèmes sur ces tableaux de bord.

S'il vous plaît, rappelez-vous que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser d'espaces sur les noms de variables sur Nextion Editor (erreurs sur les processus de débogage et de compilation).

Si vous modifiez les espaces sur les noms de variables, n'oubliez pas de les modifier également sur le fichier de mappage et les fichiers d'instruction.
bonjour je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner, pouvez vous me renvoyer le fichier corrigé? Cordialement
I've redesigned everything proportionally for 3.5, but bugs are popping up. thanks for the reply.I don't know how to change the me where and what to prescribe.
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Без имени.png
hi DImon23,
don't look at the popups that come out below, it doesn't matter.

First you have to use the NEXTION software provided in the SIMHUB folder because it has one more item in the menu, which you need.
as in the image below.

By clicking on this function you will have as a result a file named namefile.hmistruct that you will copy together with the other file named filename.HMI in the SIMHUB folder in Yourpath:\SimHub\NextionTemplate.

At this point open SIMHUB and go to the left section and access NEXTION and from the TAB look in the list of file name.hmi and with MAPPING enter the rules for each item created in the NEXTION pages that you have redesigned.

After I don't remember, you have to look at the guide on the SIMHUB site for the procedure to download everything in the NEXTION DISPLAY

nextion structure.png