Night tracks

Hi everyone,
is somebody knows :
1) how to have a sky night texture during night time (actually my skynight texture is the skyday texture, but in the dark...)
2) a way to create realistic trackside lights ?

Thanks for the help
Hi everyone,
is somebody knows :
1) how to have a sky night texture during night time (actually my skynight texture is the skyday texture, but in the dark...)
2) a way to create realistic trackside lights ?

Thanks for the help
1) take a look to the default carlswood track, it's a shader thing...and you see how it works...
2)if i know it right, no...
Hi Alexander, thanks for your answer,
my carlswood have skyday texture at night time. (not the black sky with stars...)
Would you send me a version where it works ?
About trackside lights, I can :
- make self-illumination
I can't
- switch off light during day
- enlight the track.

How can I reproduce the car frontlight effect ?