Pasta2000 submitted a new resource:
Nissan R380 - Fuji 1000km 1968 (2 Liveries/4K) - Both entrants of the Nissan camp at the 1968 Fuji 1000km
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Nissan R380 - Fuji 1000km 1968 (2 Liveries/4K) - Both entrants of the Nissan camp at the 1968 Fuji 1000km
Nissan had never entered the R380 in any other event than the Grand Prix, until July 1968 - at the Fuji 1000km.
View attachment 609846
Both cars had a hard time during the race.
View attachment 609847
View attachment 609854View attachment 609855
Images and information all gathered by my main project, the JGT Archive. Join this archive full of Japanese racing photos accurately dated and explained from the 1930s to the 1970s...
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