Man, I hope I can resolve this. I'm really loving this super ultra-wide screen but not being able to run R3E full screen will be quite the bitter pill to swallow!
I'm full screen!!!! And it is gorgeous!
I'm now second guessing myself if I tried driving the other night after discovering that you can't set an aspect ratio higher than 21:9. When you reach the menu to set up race/practice particulars it is rendered 21:9 but when you actually go to drive, it is in full 32:9 gloriousness. It was awfully difficult to stop myself from driving last night. I am falling deeply in love with this monitor.
If you get a chance, at some point it would be excellent if you could show and do a list of the sims or games you play that work in 32:9. It seems harder perhaps finding this for racing titles than shooters.
They all work!