No Audio on Porsche 911 RSR 2017

Has anyone else experienced a total loss of audio (internal/external) on Porsche 911 RSR 2017.
I do not remember changing anything on this particular car. The sfx file seems to be the correct one.
The only thing I have changed recently is a mod fix for external sounds on modded Renault 3.5 formula car. Everything else in the game seems to be working fine. Is this a common issue? Has any recent updates had an eftect? Any thoughts or ideas for fix? A work around will do. I love driving this car. But not in total silence!!

Just in case anyone is wondering. I ended up making a copy of the game folder/ uninstalling the whole game via steam / pasting the copied folder back intro the steamapps folder / reinstalling it also via steam library page / relaunching game and problem fixed. No logic as I used exactly the same car folder that was previously there. Some how the reinstall kicked off something that wasn't quite right before..
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Was it definitely just the Porsche? Did the sound fix for the Renault involve messing with the bank files in the SFX folder? If so, that 'fix' makes the sound work on older mods while breaking the sound on stock content. You need to swap the files every time you jump between cars. (You can do it with the game loaded, no need to exit.)
Fixed the Renault with a audio Mod I found out about in this forum. It was a GUIDs file, a JPEG about 'advised audio settings' and .bank file that I loaded into the sfx folder in the car folder. The only car I could not hear was the Porsche in question. However I did not try all cars (but the other Porsches in the same DLC pack were all okay). Since your reply I have retried the Renault and it seems okay too. But I will definitely take what you said under advisement for similar situations in the future. I was unaware of this scenario.
That's a poor solution. Content Manager won't break your game, especially if you use it as a content manager rather than as a full alternative launcher. (But even then...)

You may have done something with CM that broke your game, but don't blame the software.

OP, using CM you can swap an old outdated sound bank for a current one in 3 clicks. It's a far better solution than those sound hacks.