No Buy from race room

Twice I have tried to purchase a small amount of cars from RACE ROOM and both time it has said ,,purchase Cancelled. so I gave up. NO BUY FROM RACE ROOM.

btw I use Paypal and have had no problem from other purchase thru Steam.
All you helpfull people - will you stop giving Pawgy economical advices.
He has allways done this his own way - just like Frank Sinatra.
Who actually was YOUNGER than Pawgy :)

Hehe one of Pawgys problems is that if he started buying Raceroom items the vRp way - it would be much harder for him to occasionally rant the game for being soooo astronomically expensive:)
Pawgy (and Frank) does it their own way :)

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Hey Pawgy - longTimeNoSee :)