F1 2010 No Driving Aids & Using A Wheel

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)
Is a wheel so much better to use when driving without the likes of TC and ABS?

I've never used a wheel whilst owning an Xbox (nearly 4 years now) and have always played the racing genre using a controller.

Now I've spotted the Mad Catz MC2 Wireless wheel and I can pick it up for a reasonable price


Any thoughts on it?

Thanks for the replies everyone. My budget for the wheel wasn't high. I don't consider a wheel a priority at the moment, but that being said, I wanted to try one out.

I managed to pick up the Mad Catz wheel for £80 from Argos. I know you can get them for less off eBay and other internet stores but I'm very impatient when it comes to online purchases. I only make them when it's necessary lol. I walked past Gamestation to see the wheel advertised in the window for £129.99 so I'm pretty happy with it.

If I find I like using a wheel, I'll consider a change in the near future :)

It's more fun to drive with a wheel but in this game I suspect it will actually make you slower, since the game does alot of under the hood assisting when you're using a controller.
It is more fun to drive with a wheel but with the MS wheel I find it difficult to play Forza without some Traction control on the fast cars (I play F1 on PC with a DFGT which is similar to the MS wheel). The reason I need TC is due to the the flimsy pedals, if you can deal with feathering the throttle with your ankle/calf muscles go for it but I find this very difficult to get right. The pedals on the G27 are much much better for feathering the throttle. So I would say TCS off if you are brave or have a G27 or similar type wheel.

I haven't seen or used that MadCatz wheel but I am going to venture a guess that its pedals would be similar to the MS wheel
I have the even cheaper MadCatz wheel which although has been slated at times has done me fine up to now. I was looking at this wheel myself from Argos but can you tell me does it have force feedback at all and what is the resitance like to the pedals?

I totally agree Chris it was a big selling point for me. I tried in the shops demo version's and know they will be a bit slack and possibly damaged but plastic shifters and pedals just fell like they are about to break any moment. With the metal it feel's better, more reliable more of a real feel. Also with that wheel it feels good as do the pedals out of the tested it was the best for the money in fact bloody good so good I am buying it :D it also has a special function button to configure, move click or click move for commands four positions 8 possible configuration's and it is all illuminated and look's very nice ohh shiny O_O not a fan of the Ferrari logo but I can put something else on top of it :D

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