No passage of time in AC?


I am pretty new to AC and am still struggling to understand how everything works. I have installed:
- CM
- gbW suite
- lights-patch-v0.1.24
- BLM car
- BLM lights

All is well, except the time does not move at all! When I select a quick race (practice or race), at 6:00 and time multiplier 10x, the time stays at 6:00 forever, lights are on, the sun won't rise - in one word, time is frozen.

What am I doing wrong? I followed instructions to the letter and as far as I understand, the time should be moving, I should see the night/day transition?

Thanks a bunch! :)
You're too "soon", Wolverine. :roflmao: .... as I'm sure it might happen in a future, maybe not so far away.
Have a look at "Sol" in Peter Boese gbw suite thread ... and you'll see what he's working at surely together with other "alien" modders. :thumbsup: