No pit stops in v1.0

Alen Pecanin

if there wont be pit stops in v 1.0, will it be possible to set tire wear to 0? and the same for fuel, so we can race in 100 years without a stop? Also if it will be available in lets say 1.1 or 2.0 or what the next version will be called, will this be a DLC that we have to pay for? or will the DLC stuff just be cars and tracks? so that the pit stop feature is a normal track?
I don't really mind not having pitstops in the first release. <-- As far as I know, Kunos plans to support AC for a few years with updates to it, so I'm pretty sure pitstop, night, weather, etc, will be progressively added to AC later on.

When will it be addd is my concern, already bad enough that ISI are planning on a thousand features with no apparent order to when they get done, now we have AC doing exactly the same. At this rate neither sim will be worth having until 2014 when basic features are complete....may as well go back to rF1 until then!

Pit Stops is a deal braker for me BTW, I love my endurance racing and not having this feature in from the start is a big mistake IMO
When will it be addd is my concern, already bad enough that ISI are planning on a thousand features with no apparent order to when they get done, now we have AC doing exactly the same. At this rate neither sim will be worth having until 2014 when basic features are complete....may as well go back to rF1 until then!

Pit Stops is a deal braker for me BTW, I love my endurance racing and not having this feature in from the start is a big mistake IMO

You're not a distant relative of Eyore the donkey are you?? Lighten up man! ;-)
You're not a distant relative of Eyore the donkey are you?? Lighten up man! ;-)

distant cousin yes :p
Dont get me wrong I will no doubt buy AC when it gets released and take a look so they'll have my money, but I was hoping for basic features to be implemented from the start and Pit Stops for me is a basic feature.
When will it be addd is my concern, already bad enough that ISI are planning on a thousand features with no apparent order to when they get done, now we have AC doing exactly the same. At this rate neither sim will be worth having until 2014 when basic features are complete....may as well go back to rF1 until then!

Pit Stops is a deal braker for me BTW, I love my endurance racing and not having this feature in from the start is a big mistake IMO
I get what you're saying, but what you want can't happen unless they actually release the game in a couple of years.

Kunos and ISI are relatively small studios' and their budgets aren't limitless. It's apparent that Kunos can't delay the release for ever or add features over the budget.
They need to recoup their costs in a certain timeframe and if the game does well they can add the features.

And yes, it's a shame the pitstops won't make it into the first release, but I'm too excited to just get to play the game I can overlook that particular feature for a while :)
When will it be addd is my concern, already bad enough that ISI are planning on a thousand features with no apparent order to when they get done, now we have AC doing exactly the same. At this rate neither sim will be worth having until 2014 when basic features are complete....may as well go back to rF1 until then!

Pit Stops is a deal braker for me BTW, I love my endurance racing and not having this feature in from the start is a big mistake IMO
There is a big difference how Kunos and ISI are handling things. Kunos is transparent about what they will be doing, ISI is not. Right now I can't see when ISI will be out oft Beta Sitz rf2 - if ever, but I know which features AC 1.0 will have.
Even though I will hardly ever do races that require them it seems strange that V1.0 wouldn't have them...even if there is nothing more than the lollipop man holding a sign while your car magically gets filled with gas and new tires put on that is alot better than nothing.

Most people will be running 10 lap races on-line but there are many leagues that will run much longer than that and they need pit stops.
Kunos have their feet firmly on the ground. As they say - “everyone wants to race a 24 hour race, driving at night, under heavy rain, with broken suspension and a puncture. But just one time for a try“.

I would think pitstops are more popular than night racing, probably similar to the popularity of racing in the wet. But the truth is most sim racers do not run races with pitsops, and AC does not attempt to simulate a race series which has pitsops.

Some may want to delay v1.0 for this feature but I seriously doubt most do. Pitstops will be added later. If pitstops are a dealbreaker, you always have the option to delay purchase until its out.
Like Michael said, just having it magically done without animations would be fine by me. But it needs to be in. I did a ten lap modified race and screwed up the fuel level and ran out of gas. I had to pause the game and choose return to puts and then go back on track. So I know the basics are in there we just need the basic options to do it from the track.
Pit stops are a must for any serious multiplayer race, they add a lot of options and fun.
Pitting some laps before because someone is slowing you down and things like that improve simulation.
I hope once version 1,0 of the game is done they have some time to include them even in the most simple way.
I'm a bit disappointed to hear we may not have pit stops in before v1.0. Of all the features planned I would consider pit stops to have been high on the list as it's an integral part of racing and would limit the choice of race type. Limiting the choice of race type may make leagues and clubs reconsider supporting AC and potentially cost Kunos sales. I'm still enjoying the early access but I just find it a bit of an odd choice not to implement pits tops as a standard feature for the final release.

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