Well I've been waiting for triple-screen support since I brought the game but looks like its not going to happen. Quote from a moderator on pcars forum -
Hi guys. I've been made aware of the results of this investigation.
"...to be clear, the game already supports the use of triple-screens. It's not best-of-class by any means but it certainly works well enough to be completely usable. The mentioned investigation was around enhancing the triple-screen support (per-screen reprojection, adjustable bezels, etc). We did investigate it thoroughly and the amount of changes required to the underlying system renders this unfeasible for Project CARS 1. We will implement enhanced support for Project CARS 2 for release, and it will be best-of-class."
Its a shame you would of thought any sim that needs triple-screen support would be a racing sim and I think it would of looked amazing, but as it is it just looks horribly stretched out over the side screens and a big blurry mess, for me after awhile I get motion sickness so can not play for to long. A big disappointment just have to wait for Pcars2
Hi guys. I've been made aware of the results of this investigation.
"...to be clear, the game already supports the use of triple-screens. It's not best-of-class by any means but it certainly works well enough to be completely usable. The mentioned investigation was around enhancing the triple-screen support (per-screen reprojection, adjustable bezels, etc). We did investigate it thoroughly and the amount of changes required to the underlying system renders this unfeasible for Project CARS 1. We will implement enhanced support for Project CARS 2 for release, and it will be best-of-class."
Its a shame you would of thought any sim that needs triple-screen support would be a racing sim and I think it would of looked amazing, but as it is it just looks horribly stretched out over the side screens and a big blurry mess, for me after awhile I get motion sickness so can not play for to long. A big disappointment just have to wait for Pcars2
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