No screenshots on raceroom portal

Hi guys, I'm new in R3E and I can't resolve my problem by myself. I have no screenshots under my "screenshots" tab in Raceroom portal. I sent my screenshots from media hub to Raceroom online but "latest scrennshots" box and "screenshots" tab still are empty. Somebody help me? :unsure:
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Can you post a screenshot (LOL) of your profile page? Thanks!
(You may want to use since you're not premium member)

That's what I'm talking about. I've made it by F12 key in Raceroom. (LOL) Place beneath "Latest screenshot" is emty. I mean - filled by question mark.
Guys read carefully. Your advices not help me. I know that I must upload my screenshots to RaceRoom online. Again my problem is back. I've uploaded my screenshots and again I have question mark in recent screenshots on RaceRoom online. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. Somebody help me?
That's weird.
Sound like a bug to me but... try to take a look at the upload bar in the lower portion of the screen

Does it complete the uploading when you hit share to raceroom webportal?
What are you using to take the screenshot? What button you pressing?

As I said I use F12 button to take screenshots. There goes to my media hub i R3E and to my Steam site.

That's weird.
Sound like a bug to me but... try to take a look at the upload bar in the lower portion of the screen
View attachment 86815
Does it complete the uploading when you hit share to raceroom webportal?
The upload show animation line which goes to the end. And still I have no screenshots on my R3E online portal. Weird, when I look at my R3E online portal after upload last screen now I see my sreenshot! But earlier theresn't... I don't know what's going on...
There often is a big delay in showing the content. At first I thought I did something wrong too, or perhaps I had a privacy setting wrong somewhere, but ot just turned out to be a delay.
Glad you got it 'fixed'! :)

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