F1 2011 Official 11/11 spring thread

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)

Richard Knight

GP2 - No.1 Virgin
Every game has it's flaws, 2010 was great, bugs and all but this major bug ruins it for me. Xbox league on hold for fix.
Please send a message to Coddies and complain! Please add any links you can, thanks

12/10/11 Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this topic! Okay, so this is not a bug! Check out John Robertsons post below, I think this sums it up nicely. We will be starting the Xbox leagues on the 20th Nov with a limit of 9/9 spring settings. As John says "we want our lap times to be a little more realistic". Hopefully CM will fix this physics flaw in the next patch (but don't hold your breath lol)

<removed the links>

"no it's not a bug, it's a flaw in the physics that codemasters used.

setting higher springs should make the car more responsive, less resistant to body roll, reduce cornering grip and traction, and increase tire wear

for some reason it doesn't work like that, it does make the car more responsive and roll resistant, but it actually increases grip and traction, and doesn't seem to have an effect on tire wear.

It's not correct, even within the game, as they've listed set up tips in the game based on real life, but following these directions to help your set up won't work.

It's up to you what you do with that info, I personally don't set my springs higher than 7/7 now and the league I race in follows that rule as well, but if you're trying to go as fast as the game will allow you to go then you've gotta set it at 11/11

The problem people have with it is that it's not remotely based on real life, and gives you an unreal amount of grip. the reason my league has capped it at 7/7 is because we want our lap times to be a little more realistic. doing 1:20's at singapore is just absurd xD"
John Robertson
This whole thread is started with the assumption they aren't going to fix it and need some "motivation".

Patch 1 is finished and being tested for release and patch 2 is in the works.

Why would you assume a fix is not in their plans?

Patch 1 is just "refining, polishing and tweaking" and they won't even release a patch notes for it, as evidently they don't feel it's significant to inform their purchasing public just what might have needed "refining, polishing and tweaking". It's already been deployed for the PS3 users, who incidently are the ones that have the biggest gripes about graphics...which would fall under the "refining, polishing and tweaking" category you'd think.

The reason most assume that a fix is not high on the list of their plans is the level of "support" for F1 2010 that was displayed....one patch that fixed some things, ignored some others and broke some others as well. Then, they moved on to the development of F1 2011. Sure, 2011's much more feature-filled than 2010 was in some ways...but bells and whistles can't make up for faults either.

It's nice to have faith, but some people look at prior performance and a "track record" and base their expectations on that more than faith.
Patch 1 is just "refining, polishing and tweaking" and they won't even release a patch notes for it, as evidently they don't feel it's significant to inform their purchasing public just what might have needed "refining, polishing and tweaking". It's already been deployed for the PS3 users, who incidently are the ones that have the biggest gripes about graphics...which would fall under the "refining, polishing and tweaking" category you'd think.

The reason most assume that a fix is not high on the list of their plans is the level of "support" for F1 2010 that was displayed....one patch that fixed some things, ignored some others and broke some others as well. Then, they moved on to the development of F1 2011. Sure, 2011's much more feature-filled than 2010 was in some ways...but bells and whistles can't make up for faults either.

It's nice to have faith, but some people look at prior performance and a "track record" and base their expectations on that more than faith.

And so you're ignoring the fact that there is a patch 2 in the works...

Patch 2 - The Dev team and QA are currently investigating a number of issues reported by players and trying to reproduce these in a test environment.

The patch that's already been released for PS3 and is currently in submission with Microsoft for the Xbox360 and PC contains tweaks and optimisations the team have done to the game during the two weeks time between them submitting the game to Microsoft and it's release. This being the case and the fact the setup issue has only come to light post-launch means that there are no changes to car setups in this patch although we are investigating the issue.

I think it's very safe to say they will fix it in patch 2.
Are there "issues" that were broken with F1 2010 that weren't addressed with "Patch 1", or better known as " Patch Only", for it? The pit release bug, for example? Was that a "post-launch" issue? Can anyone honestly say that they (CM) tested the game and didn't notice that there was an issue with a player's car being held in the pits? If so, just what where they testing? A pitstop's a pretty key element in Formula 1 and in 2010, it was where most of the passes for position took place....except in the officially licensed game, that is.

As I said, it's nice to have faith....but I'm one that looks more at past performances. Hey, I hope they fix every single issue that every single user has with a patch/patches. But, given their past performance....I'm not holding my breath for it just yet.
As I said, it's nice to have faith....but I'm one that looks more at past performances. Hey, I hope they fix every single issue that every single user has with a patch/patches. But, given their past performance....I'm not holding my breath for it just yet.

Then you could list some more problems we had with F1 2009..or 2008..2007?
Yeah, you can't. Our only option was Rfactor? Sorry I don't have fun with that game. It was about time that a company with courage contacted FIA and got a license to create a good F1 Game.

And every year (I hope so) they are going to release a new game, so don't expect patches every week, to my understanding I should be gratefull I have Codemasters doing this and not some terrible company with no resources releasing a F1 game every 5 years. I'm more than pleased with what we got. 11/11 is nothing compared to not have a game to play, and I'm sure it will be fixed, if not, I'm still not worried because my friends are not using this bug on my races.

I can bet other members in the race department, at least the vast majority is not going to use this on races. Even if the staff does not ban this and CM never fix it.
Courage? :rolleyes:

I think it's called profitability more than courage. And, as for F1 2009....CM did an official Wii and PSP version, that's what got them started in the current F1 gaming series. They expanded it to consoles and the PC in 2010. Before that, it was Sony console only and I don't play consoles and could get my "fix" through other PC titles, such as the aforementioned rFactor, as I have fun with it.

As I said, I hope they are able to fix any/everything that people have legitimate problems with in this game. You can criticize me all you want, doesn't bother me a bit....I'm just the type of person that looks at a company's track record of performance than one that has faith that they will do the right thing based soley on that faith.

And you can't honestly say that F1 2010 didn't have some problems that they didn't fix.
Criticize? Not at all, just implementing your lack of vision on the future.

And about the courage, you should see some numbers. I bet the high CEO's know about those already, especially compared to other games... http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales/33784/f1-2010/

F1 may be the best auto sport for us, but it's not the most popular, especially in some countrys. And especially due to the lack of a good game for all those years. CM is investing in this franchise and I hope they dig more players every year, till they put the game where it belongs.

About the 2010, I never said there were no bugs that need a fix, especially the lollipop guy, but considering there's a game every year, and that one of the many steps CM is about to make, I'm pretty happy, even with flaws like that. Just hope they fix it. If not, I'm not one thats going to abandon it.
Instead of a new game, they could release them every two years and just release a patch or DLC at the beginning of the next season to catch any rule changes, drivers names, etc. Hell, I'd even pay something for it. Might give more time to perfect the game before going full bore into another year.
Criticize? Not at all, just implementing your lack of vision on the future.

And about the courage, you should see some numbers. I bet the high CEO's know about those already, especially compared to other games... http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales/33784/f1-2010/

F1 may be the best auto sport for us, but it's not the most popular, especially in some countrys. And especially due to the lack of a good game for all those years. CM is investing in this franchise and I hope they dig more players every year, till they put the game where it belongs.

About the 2010, I never said there were no bugs that need a fix, especially the lollipop guy, but considering there's a game every year, and that one of the many steps CM is about to make, I'm pretty happy, even with flaws like that. Just hope they fix it. If not, I'm not one thats going to abandon it.

Coming from a brazilian i'd expect you to realize that F1 is actually THE most watched sporting event in the world? That means there is a huge market audience, like I said in 2010 noone knew this, f12010 was a smash hit despite its inherent problems, we are witnessing the birth of a franchise, not the demise. Get in touch people, big companies with millions at stake will not let hundreds of customers fill the internet with stories of a broken game when it could easily cost them in the next year...you can trick someone once, not twice, 2010 we may have got a lack of support but I will honestly be surprised if we don't see a huge amount of support.
As much as I wish you were right Gang, and believe me Formula 1 is prime for me, "with over 3.5 billion fans, football (or soccer) is undeniably the most watched sport in the world." Motor Racing sports coming in 5th as the most watched sport in the world, behind *god* cricket, basketball and some other stuff :/ sad eh...And trust me, I may sound suspicious being a brazillian but football is "kilometers" away from my heart compared to F1, I grew up watching Senna and others, as my father did. This is sport is undeniable the best sport in the world hah.

"we are witnessing the birth of a franchise, not the demise. " thats exactly what I'm saying, despite not being the top seller racing game, codemasters just started to take a few steps, let other versions of this game come. I'm way happy to see every year a new game, and I'll buy for sure, every single year this game. to the top !
Instead of a new game, they could release them every two years and just release a patch or DLC at the beginning of the next season to catch any rule changes, drivers names, etc. Hell, I'd even pay something for it. Might give more time to perfect the game before going full bore into another year.

That might work between this year and next, but 2013 rules are vastly different. We saw how close the FIA came to making major rule changes mid-season this year, so to release the game with a two-year plan and assume a patch can update everything for the new season would be completely impractical.
Hey Guys, read the thread title please. All i was asking was if you think this game needs fixed, get in touch with CM and tell them so. If you don't think that will do any good then don't bother! Simples. If you trust the corporate capitalists to fix your toy because they have a conscience then leave them to it lol. I think everyone would agree that if only 1 person complained, nothing would be done. So, how many will it take b4 they act? All I want to do is increase the likelyhood of CM putting some more work into an unfinished product. As we saw last year, that didn't really happen. If, as many of you say here, they are working on these fixes then great, thread closed, gripe over, patch me and i'm away. Like McDonalds this is a franchise too but if there were known bugs in McD's products? I should really complain to the FIA as they gave CM the rights to make a F1 game. If a franchisee of McD's put bugs in the burgers you can be sure Ronald would be quick to either make them clean up their act or take away their franchise.
Seems they are working on patches at CM:

Patch 1 - During the game submission process for F1 2011 the team continued to work on the game, refining, polishing and tweaking and those updates were included in the patch released as follows:

PS3 Status - Released

Xbox 360 Status - Currently in submission with Microsoft, release date TBC.

PC Status - Currently in submission with Microsoft, release date TBC.

Patch 2 - The Dev team and QA are currently investigating a number of issues reported by players and trying to reproduce these in a test environment.
There is nothing immature about informing the developer that there is a lot of concern in the community about this 11/11 bug.
A simple one line email from Codies that said
"we are aware of the 11/11 issue and are currently working on a fix. We expect a time frame of approx X Weeks to deliver patch".
Would put all our minds at rest.
Not that hard.
The initial patch will more than likely be some minor issues that they were aware about before release. Things like the 11/11 bug and probably the corner cutting issue (and others) are hopefully being looked at following comments from players since release hence the following.

Patch 2 - The Dev team and QA are currently investigating a number of issues reported by players and trying to reproduce these in a test environment.

This very comment highlights the fact of how important it is for us players to voice our concerns about problems that we find. Doesn't need to be done in any negative or immature way but it needs to be done nonetheless. Which was the very reason this thread was started.
Patch 2 - The Dev team and QA are currently investigating a number of issues reported by players and trying to reproduce these in a test environment.

This very comment highlights the fact of how important it is for us players to voice our concerns about problems that we find. Doesn't need to be done in any negative or immature way but it needs to be done nonetheless. Which was the very reason this thread was started.

Yes it is important, but this thread will do nothing unless it's reported in the official bug report thread over at Codemasters forums.

The devs are not looking at anything that's not reported in the thread they set up for bug reporting. They simply don't have time to read all the the threads at their own forum, let alone threads at other forums.

So please, by all means voice your concerns about the problems you find, but make sure it's posted in the dev thread over at CM.
The problem is that the 11/11 bug might not be the end. I see a lot of 11/11 setups with other extreme settings (1/11 on anti-roll, 1/1 on ride-height). I don't know if these other settings go hand-in-hand with 11/11 springs, or whether they are strong on their own with say, 6/6 springs.

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