PC2 Oh boy...AI...

Wintersale at Steam so i decided to give PC2 a go. Loaded a mixed field with P1, P2, GTR3 and GTE cars, me self driving the Porsche GTR3. Drove out of the pits onto the first corner. In the rear mirror a P1 showed itself. I stayed right to give it room but the AI decided to slamm the P1 car full into the back of my Porsche...
I started the race and it was hilarious how the AI slammed into eachother spraying cars around the track...
Deinstalled and refunded! "Simulator"...joke to the year
I play PC2 since DLC Le Mans, and I play only prototype in multi-class. You report a very non frequent event.

AI is quite good, expecially in offensive manouver: sometime can ram you, but less frequently than many other games. Most important, rarely the ramming damage your car or your laptime.

AI is also very good in overlapping back markers: sometime (very rarely) make som mistake, just like real.

What are you racing on?

  • Racing rig

    Votes: 528 35.2%
  • Motion rig

    Votes: 43 2.9%
  • Pull-out-rig

    Votes: 54 3.6%
  • Wheel stand

    Votes: 191 12.7%
  • My desktop

    Votes: 618 41.2%
  • Something else

    Votes: 66 4.4%