OK, What's Killing My Framerate

refresh rate monitor is what max fps your screen is build for.
if you have a 60 hz its a 60 fps screen so no need to go for 75 fps or higher it will only make your gpu work harder with out any clear results as for your on screen display go's
only time i get real fps drops are when your in the menu where you can pick your garage tab or look at other drivers.. in that menu it fps drops massively and when making that screen full size when you go with your mouse pointer in the top screen you get a standing banner.. then it also drops massively / stuttering in a big way. but when driving no issues at all. yeah when crash hard it maybe drop 5 fps for a second or 2. but thats fine.

Also replays suffer but the nicest driving experience is what you after, just have to take the good and bad.
Would not surprise me if you find the physics become more dynamic as well.
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Also replays suffer but the nicest driving experience is what you after, just have to take the good and bad.
Would not surprise me if you find the physics become more dynamic as well.
before this like i said in qual or practice mode no problem no fps drops or what ever even in low settings like i had earlier but when in race modus after the first turn at zandvoort men stutter party.. it started every time when you needed to go on the throttle again so and 2nd turn the stutter party begun at the moment you needed to brake for 3th right hander before the first new banked corner to the left. so driving a race was pointless. now with this trick you send me... yeaaah boyyyyyy back in business thx you so much..

this probably also would fix the issue i had with gtr2.. it also begun stuttering for no reason.
it was that bad that i could not enjoy gtr2 any more.. that i found strange. i had in this pc before the 1070 gtx a r580 or 560 i cant remember exactly and i had no stutter issues with gtr2. and with this vid card i had
The lower the settings the more you tax your CPU which is your bottleneck.
You would also bottleneck less at higher resolution
Very misleading phrasing here, with the correct result though.
At certain set settings, your CPU will be able to render X fps. Let's say 90 fps.
With these settings and a specific resolution, your graphics card will be able to render Y fps. Let's say 110 fps.
If you raise the resilution via DSR, your graphics card will only be able to render 70 fps instead of 110 fps.

Now there's a bit of time for the CPU to go into idle between frames, which "takes off load from the CPU".
But it's not like the CPU would be able to render more than 90 fps. It's just that your graphics card limit is below the limit of the CPU now.

So for the best possible visual experience, it makes sense use a DSR resolution that makes the graphics card hit its limit close to 90 fps, so both, the CPU and GPU are limiting at the same fps.

Meant the monitors frequency, in my case can use 60hz, 100hz, 120hz, 144hz n 165hz.
Still no idea what you're asking, sorry.
Please write a bit longer and more complete sentences/questions.
Hz and fps are independent it you're not using vsync, gsync or freesync.
The more Hz, the better everything looks.
With vsync, your fps number will show the average fps, but in reality your monitor will only display "whole factors" of your Hz.
At 120 Hz this will be:
120 fps, 60 fps, 40 fps, 30 fps, 20 fps, 15 fps.
But it's not really fps, it's about the "frame time" between each single frame.
If your gpu can't keep up with 120 Hz, your monitor will display the same frame 2x,3x,4x,5x etc. until the next frame is fully rendered.
This is the stutter you're seeing with vsync and even slightly varying fps.

With gsync/freesync, your monitor will adjust to the fps, which looks way better but is often tricky to get activated correctly.
Any overlays will make it unstable and cause stutter or tearing (simhub, acc drive, etc).

My advice: at 165 Hz, you don't really see any tearing without any syncing.
So set the monitor to 165 Hz and disable gsync, freesync, vsync.
Very misleading phrasing here, with the correct result though.
At certain set settings, your CPU will be able to render X fps. Let's say 90 fps.
With these settings and a specific resolution, your graphics card will be able to render Y fps. Let's say 110 fps.
If you raise the resilution via DSR, your graphics card will only be able to render 70 fps instead of 110 fps.

Now there's a bit of time for the CPU to go into idle between frames, which "takes off load from the CPU".
But it's not like the CPU would be able to render more than 90 fps. It's just that your graphics card limit is below the limit of the CPU now.

So for the best possible visual experience, it makes sense use a DSR resolution that makes the graphics card hit its limit close to 90 fps, so both, the CPU and GPU are limiting at the same fps.

Still no idea what you're asking, sorry.
Please write a bit longer and more complete sentences/questions.
Hz and fps are independent it you're not using vsync, gsync or freesync.
The more Hz, the better everything looks.
With vsync, your fps number will show the average fps, but in reality your monitor will only display "whole factors" of your Hz.
At 120 Hz this will be:
120 fps, 60 fps, 40 fps, 30 fps, 20 fps, 15 fps.
But it's not really fps, it's about the "frame time" between each single frame.
If your gpu can't keep up with 120 Hz, your monitor will display the same frame 2x,3x,4x,5x etc. until the next frame is fully rendered.
This is the stutter you're seeing with vsync and even slightly varying fps.

With gsync/freesync, your monitor will adjust to the fps, which looks way better but is often tricky to get activated correctly.
Any overlays will make it unstable and cause stutter or tearing (simhub, acc drive, etc).

My advice: at 165 Hz, you don't really see any tearing without any syncing.
So set the monitor to 165 Hz and disable gsync, freesync, vsync.
thx you for your explaining or clearing things up.
Don't experiment too much with rF2 let other sims cop the DSR flack.

It takes just one rF2 " woow I really nailed that slide ! "
Next thing that happens you start knocking out personal bests :ninja:
That is when you know you on the right track ;)

My advice: at 165 Hz, you don't really see any tearing without any syncing.
So set the monitor to 165 Hz and disable gsync, freesync, vsync.

Thanks, I be honest, never heard this before.
Off to try 165Hz all sync disabled :)
Don't experiment too much with rF2 let other sims cop the DSR flack.

It takes just one rF2 " woow I really nailed that slide ! "
Next thing that happens you start knocking out personal bests :ninja:
That is when you know you on the right track ;)
i dont care about other people lap times as much.. as in my younger days.
i like driving against okay-ish Ai as of trying to beat there times. i am now in my formula ford mod at 91 % and 30 % aggression about 1.54 at zandvoort. i hade allready much fun with trying to beat them in quali but now that i can enjoy races much better. and even add more Ai cars. it finally looking good with rf2 for my sake or that i care the most.

replays i dont record most of the time any way.
like i said i am not a youtuber or trying to be one.

i was looking to get a better version then gtr2 in a racing sim with some what the same options and more. that i found now in rf2.

no matter what rasmusP said or corrected you a bit for me the end result is what counts the most and what the technical things are or how they really work to me is less important then the working side of it. ( NO OFFENSIVE DEAR RASMUSP, i do admire your time and offer)
so your my hero of the day dear Durge Driven for pointing this towards me.
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You don't need a bigger ( resolution) screen

DSR will do that for you.
In nvidia control select DSR factors and pick a resolution.
Start sim select the same resolution which you now will be able to do.


A update, i didnt notice much graphic improvement

last time out i had it on borderless and my resolution jumped even after confirming it back to 1920x1080 for some reason that i didnt noticed before so i tough it was running at 3840x2160.

with full screen modus rather then borderless rf2 could keep the changes and dont jumped back when hitting the x button to select a race.
3840x2160 was way too much tv camera modus would loose 50% of the fps... so i switched to 2560 or so.. 1.75x-ish that worked better but i was not satisfied

now i am back at my normal 1920x1080 with all most everything maxed out.
and also turned of dsr again.

this gives me the best result if i am honest.

maybe at 1.75x the image quality was a bit better/sharper but you have to look real close to see the most difference as much. or at least at my pc i cant speak offcourse of anybody else his or her or x or abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz there computer.

to me to let my gpu work even harder on 1.75x in dsr modus was not or at least to me worth it enough... but thank you for this experiment i have learned something new..
mainly to let my gpu work harder with maxed out settings was enough to keep my gpu from some parts of the track falling in sleep but second later it needed to be at work again.

that seems to be cause of my stuttering/fps drop
I didn't read everything but I know the issue of older graphics cards stuttering when not staying at their highest clock speeds.
Since you got DSR working, it's an nvidia card, so do this:
Nvidia control panel - > 3D settings - > specific application settings - > search for rFactor 2 or add it.
Then find, depending on your language, something like:
"Power Management"
and set that to
"Prefer maximum performance".

This will keep your GPU in "3D Mode" and it won't clock down and cause stutter.

Btw I didn't only have this issue with my GTX 1070. I also had it with my old friends i7 2600k in Rocket League. Setting the power plan to "High Performance" in Windows didn't do anything, since the CPU settings didn't have any effect with that old CPU.
I had to manually force identical clock speeds on all cores to keep some cores from dropping from 4.5 GHz to 1.6 GHz.

No microstutters after that :)
High Performance
If i remember correctly its is at high performance indeed
Prefer maximum performance
This was my last resort option

Now with allmost every thing maxed out its still on the borderline of switching back to power saving modus.

For my test i had msi afterburner telemetry running to see what happend

When i am driving in a group
No problem but when i spin or something and i lost contact with the group (so i am alone at that section) it still had tendency to not be tickled enough to keep it out of power saving modus.

This was at the newest zandvoort.
Lot of details etc.

But on a modded track that dont have that amount of detail it kicked back in power saving modus. So stuttering will happen again.

this option i know it will force the gpu to run harder or higher and no possible switching in power modus while playing.

Why i didnt use this option yet
I wanted to see how gpu depended rf2 is.

So i tried to solve it this way first.
But i think for rf2 i do need it.
i dont run le mans or nordschliefe those tracks will probably even bottleneck my gpu hard.

A normal size track like zandvoort
It will use about 4 to 5 gb of video memory i have 8 gb so for le mans and nordschliefe probably would not be enough to keep it running maxed out. i only have a free or mod version of nordschliefe the one with having sort of track day modus that on the longest straight have a track day parking there.

As for cpu goes now with maxed out settings it kind a reduced the load on the cpu a bit. If i am honest more then i would expected.
The issue is that the 1070 wasn't built for constantly changing speeds across all 3 clockspeed ranges.
It has 3 stages:
Below 500 MHz for Idle, Office etc

500-1000 MHz for hardware accelerated stuff like watching a 4k YouTube video, playing a 2D game etc

1500-2000 MHz for 3D applications & games

"Prefer maximum performance" doesn't make the 1070 run at full boost clocks and use maximum power. It only restricts the GPU from throttling below the "3D state".

But the 1070 isn't built to run 3D games in "2D stage", so it stutters.

It's a bit similar to modern V8 engines shutting off half their cylinders when just cruising downhill.
But now you put the same algorithm into a 3 cylinder engine and run it on 1 cylinder and another cylinder "helping" every second rpm.
That won't be a smooth ride!

Important: only set the rFactor 2 profile to "prefer maximum performance", NOT the general 3D settings.
That way, the GPU will only stay above 1500 MHz when rF2 is running but will clock down into idle stage, when rF2 is closed.

If you set prefer maximum performance in the general 3D settings, it will never clock down, even when just idling on the desktop!

My 3080 uses 20-50 W in stage 1 and 100-350 W in 3D stage.
Running an old game at default results in 100-170 W.
Activating prefer maximum performance results in 120-180W.

So it's not that bad and if I notice stutters, I just use prefer maximum performance :)
Yeah my 1070gtx dont like the menu indeed more fps drops then in 3d world. While you would say a menu he must handle without breaking a sweat..its even worse in the menu where you have the small window where you could see other drivers in 3d. If the upper and down banner is not on (standings and options/rewind etc) its stable but the moment my mouse pointer gets to the top of the screen so the banner appears men it lags/stutter/fps drop masively

I try this evening of that max power thing would also fixes that.

With no banner it runs at between 1000 and 1100 mhz when banner is turned on it switches to 1900 mhz.
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You have a 1070 so you can still use adaptive power.
.3000 I set adaptive in NVI , have not changed my rF2 profile for 10 years.
I mean people tried to tell you back then you needed to tweak NVI for visuals and fps. rF2 runs best alone imo.
Had rF2 since build40 (GTX460) never had it stutter.

lol this is true whether you believe or not.
I have always tweaked sims on the easy side, 200% better too low then too high ;)
Too many try to run them too high is the most common problem.
Must have that eye candy at the sake of physics ! :rolleyes:
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Too many try to run them too high is the most common problem.
Must have that eye candy at the sake of physics ! :rolleyes:
Eye candy i dont care about.. thats why i had my settings too low for my graphics card.
really i dont care about super duper graphics.. my first pc was a cardbord box and you have to draw your self the picture on the screen hahahha.. i mean a 2 mb graphics card or even less. i dont know exactly any more.. its about 34 years by now. it was a pre windows 3.1 machine
(ms-dos/norton commander)

if you ever played on those type of computers well every thing else looks better allready.
even if by now days standard its poor:p

go look back to one of the first racing games for pc ever.. even the lowest of low settings in rf2 looks 100x times better then those graphics.

what is the need for super duper eye candy graphics.
it would not make you any faster or a better driver and if you have the time to look around during a race then there is all ready something wrong.

lol this is true whether you believe or not.
normally i would buy just a better pc.. but i dont want to spend money any more on pc's
i dont game as much and like i said graphics i could care less about.

if it works it works if it dont well i would look for a other game that works better.
but i dont like most newer games any way.

especially racing games that focus only on one class like f1 or nascar or blanc pain gt series. and could not be modded in the same way like rf serie or gtr2 or ams/ assetto corsa 1.

this is good enough for me.
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As I said, I had really bad stutter when nvidia made adaptive power the default. Whenever my 1070 dropped below the 3D clocks of 1500 MHz, I had ugly stutters.
I have changed it to max power.. and oh boy that did help alot.

I can run now more cars without a single stuttering. It runs now between 1550 and 1970 mhz all the time. It helped with the lower bar in replay modus but the top bar (standings) still makes my fps drop like 15- 20 fps when my mouse pointer is at the top of the screen.

So thank you for pointing out.
For me this was a better solution then having dsr enabled which also prevented me from using borderless modus.
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