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could anyone make this livery ?
Another request that I'd like to make:

A helmet with a "wings" motif. Like, two rather large white wings on each side. Preferrably with the "Wings for Life" charity symbol and the Renault sponsor on it (on the helmet, not on the wings themselves!) as well. Bonus points if it has some other minor, yet defining thing to it, like some dark blue-ish lines and a decent design at the top (also dark blue). Helmet's background color has to be something that would work well. Probably still white (lighter or just slightly darker than the wings themselves).

Or, if that doesn't work, just a basic white helmet with, this time, dark green and white green lines (about similar to the dark blue things I was thinking about in my first request, but a little more prominent, as, of course, this helmet doesn't have the wings). Add sponsors and other defining elements as you'd like.

Thanks in advance!
Bonjour, savez-vous si on peut ajouter une treizième écurie dans le jeu ?
J'ai déjà réussi a en faire une autre dans le menu de sélection en éditant le database et quelques fichier pssg en ajoutant la nouvelle écurie mais je ne sais pas comment coordonner le fichier language avec le database. Est-ce que vous avez une idée de comment faire ?

Hello,do you know ifwe can addathirteenthteamin the game?
I'vemanaged tomake anotherselectionin the menuby editing thedatabaseand somePSSGfileby addingthenew teambut Ido not knowhow to coordinatethelanguagefilewith thedatabase.Doyou haveanidea how to do?
I think it is possible we can i've found teams more than 12 in the ai_performance_variation_tier1 to 5 tabs there you can see 14 team's So i think it is possible but i guess it was complex but not impossible
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