Online Bump = Shooting Car Into Distance

I read somewhere that if you change a setting in your player file (can't remember what) then a little bump in multiplayer won't jerk your car so unrealistically/violently. Last night I've seen again a small little bump in multiplayer shooting a car off the track way beyond what should have happened.

Is that true or not?
Yeah thats true. because it indeed can happen.
This is what you need to do in your PLR file.

From this

BoneSpring Threshold="0.10000" // If latency is below this threshold, the spring is disabled
BoneSpring Min Constant="25.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at collision threshold
BoneSpring Max Constant="120.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at spring enact latency (should be higher than constant min...)

So the three BoneSpring entries look like this:

BoneSpring Threshold="[COLOR=Red][B]1.00000[/B][/COLOR]" // If latency is below this threshold, the spring is disabled
BoneSpring Min Constant="25.00000" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at collision threshold
BoneSpring Max Constant="[COLOR=Red][B]125.00000[/B][/COLOR]" // BoneSpring(TM) constant at spring enact latency (should be higher than constant min...)
Save and you should see a great improvement
Thanks Ivo ;)

Don't you think that we recommend that club members (who hasn't made the change already) make this change if it has no impact anything else in the game? So many minor nicks which is essentially just racing incidents becomes a huge thing and it can be partially be solved by just making a simple adjustment... Makes sense to me and would've saveb me a few trimes...
How do we test this maybe in a race... only joking.... dont think the excuse would wash it...:tongue:(Yep sorry for that shunt i was just testing a setting )

But on a serious note this is important for all racers..
I can't confirm that the bonespring adjustment works, it might've been turned off (or set to default) by developers.. Once tried few years ago to fiddle with them but didn't get repeatable results. You should be able to prove that there's some effect by doing the min/max hunt.. Try putting zero, 1 and some large values to each; if the car starts to behave oddly around others of it's kind, then these parameters are working. If not, they at least revert to default. And since you can't change .PLR file on-the-fly... Could be the online compatibility issue here... It's easier for everybody to have fixed physics..
This is a setting that I posted ex-GTR2 (proven to work online) and the settings are the same in Race 07 series. The only way to test this is to have only two cars on track that are sitting on very consistent pings to each other and then driving at the same speed and touching at a controlled close angle and repeat with many settings. I went through this as soon as Race 07 I got Race 07 with two friends that one was 3 blocks from me on the same ISP and exchange and the other on the same ISP but 800km away, we had 49-55ms & 90-110ms ping times respectively for the whole session and found that 1/25/125 provided the best settings. But, when ping times get out over ~150ms you start to get much more varied results due to the latency and the fact that the two systems detect much later the actual act of collision and by this stage the cars have "overlapped" and the associated calculated impact effect is a magnitude higher in general. Still, the adjustment has some effect and I can attest to this just last Sunday with some good "rubbing is racing" with RD racers located on the other side of the planet to me and no springing off the track at all. It was great :)

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