Online Weather (not a 'how do i get it to work' post lol)

is there a way that I can manually modify specific sol presets for online weather? For example, light thunderstorm but with no puddles? i have weather working online, pretty simple with all the instruction floating around, but what If i don't want default settings (excluding rain intensity, ofc)

if i go into the .lua for weather params, (steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\weather-controllers\sol2) puddles is at 0 (below), but i have puddles with light thunderstorm set online:

the weather definitions lua (steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\weather\sol) references 'water_on_road'. if i change this to 0 will that eliminate puddling? what does "badness" refer too? if water_on_road = puddles why is puddles 0 above?

additionally, is there a way to set the DATE online? what date does it default too if not? is there a calculation using sun angle and time to determine date?