Opel Kadett B @ Magny-Cours Club & GP - Thu 10th January 2013


Class: TC65 : Opel Kadett B ( Download )
Track: Magny-Cours default track Club and GP circuit

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock
Practice start time: GMT 20.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 ( 16 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 21.00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 21.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.30 (16 laps)

Note 1: Default Skins that come with the mod only.
Note 2: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 3: Race 1- Club circuit / Race 2 - GP circuit

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

Entry List:
  1. Rupe Wilson
  2. Krzysztof Babij
  3. Hans Sneep
  4. Stefan Woudenberg
  5. Stuart Thomson
  6. Knut Omdal Tveito
  7. Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan
  8. Jack Smith
  9. Peter van Zanten
  10. Leszek Porzezinski
  11. Carlos Diaz
  12. Warren Dawes
  13. Samuel Hunter
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
Well there was some fun had, me Knut and Hans, then Hiroshi and Jack.
We got the lap times down and found a few things... Man i love this car great fun to drive :inlove:
the default setup works real good just sort your gears and steering out not much else to do really and drive..( maybe a couple of tweaks with the tyres and brakes..):speechless:
Watch out guys Jacks was letting ripp last night and hot on my tail..:D
oh wow, this Kadett is awesome!

Race 1) had a bucket load of fun trying to keep Caramidaru behind me, eventually he got past. I'm not sure why, but when he did, he tried to give the position back, I didn't accept it, since I didn't feel I deserved back and since he was gonna get by me at some point anyway. Nice driving Caramidaru:thumbsup:.

Race 2) I couldn't Q because I misjudged how much distance to give the car that left ahead of me before I left the pits. During my Q lap I caught up to it and had to let off and avoid impact through the uphill right sweaper after the start/finish line. So started from the back and had a lot of fun trying to catch up. I caught up to a 3 way battle between Caramidaru, Warren, and Stu. It looked a bit impossible to get by them so I was more than happy to just try and keep up and make it a 4 car caravan. But something happened in the last turn and they all handed me their positions. Suddenly, I found myself in 3rd and about 8 secs away from Rupe. I drove the tires off my car trying to catch him. Oh what fun. I finally did in lap 15 but he was following all the right lines and there was no clean way around him. We were basically glued together for the last lap.

Would you believe Rupe slammed on the brakes right before the line and tried to give me 2nd? I saw him though and slammed on the brakes myself. He earned 2nd fair and square and there was no way I was taking it from him. The kind of stuff you probably only see in this club.

Gratso to Knut for both wins:thumbsup::alien:
Not quite as enjoyable for me as usual, but still had lots of fun at times.
For some reason, I never felt comfy with this car, maybe it's not quite my style.
Race 1, the car was handling ok in default setup, but somehow I convinced myself that it wasn't turning in how I like, so I was a bit scrappy and inconsistent in my turn in points. This caused me to cut the track badly early, so I moved over to let Caramidaru past (he looked quicker anyway). Had some good racing early and later with Carlos. :)

Race 2, I fiddled with the setup trying to see if I could make it turn in better. Oops, big mistake, I made it very loose and squirrily in the rear, even letting go regularly around the very long sweeping uphill right hander. :confused: Despite that, it still didn't turn in better anyway. I think default is the best for this car. :rolleyes:

Had some close racing with Stuart, Caramidaru, and Carlos, and Jack at times. Pity about our little bingle but at least it helped Carlos. :p
Stuart and I had one of our race long classic battles, we haven't had one of those in ages, but still lots of fun. I think I was sorta holding Stu up towards the end as I battled with my loose rear end.

Grats to Knut for the double win, and WD to Caramidaru, Carlos, and Rupe for podiums.
Thanks to Rupe for organising, seemed a popular little find with this car mate. ;)
Nice car to drive, much better than the car which I used to own. :D

Race 1:
I had to learn this mickey mouse layout and had trouble in the beginning with braking for the first chicane followed by the slow lefthander, but after a couple of laps got the hang of it and was only 2 seconds of rocket Knut. I stayed out of trouble and drove to the finish. :)

Race 2:
As in the first qualy, I span and decided to esc to the pit and start from the back. As I was more than 5 seconds of the pace I decided to throw my setup all way around hoping that it would help me in the race..... Worst decision I made. The car became very unstable with braking, downshifting and huge understeer followed by oversteer. I span loads of times of track and got myself a stop and go for cutting... :p Went to the pit, hit my limiter and the computer took over my car... the stop and go penalty was not 10 seconds, but more like 40!!??? Drove out of the pit ..bam... speeding in the pitlane...stop and go...????? Next lap went in again....computer took over and....not 10 seconds, but 40 seconds????? WTF??? :mad: Was 2 laps down already after....5 laps?? I decided to call it a day... what a dissapointment..
Is there a what that your computer doesn't handle the pit stuff? It ruined my race. :(

Thanx for the orginasation guys and well done to all who made it to the finish. :thumbsup:

..... I need more time to practise.... my lmp2 project keeps me off track......
Lot's of good times even do this car was not for my liking,but it was manageable.
Good battles in both races.
I do have to apologize to Mr. Warren Dawes for the attempted pass on second race,after a cool of period and a talk with mr. Stuart i do admit that i pushed my luck a bit on that move,even do i had a decent run i was not close enough to make a safe pass,brain glitch and i hope i do not do it again, very sorry,and sorry if this misshapes ruined a decent evening/morning.
Other then that i enjoy the atmosphere in TS,not like other club event and i quite like the game more then i was expecting,but yet again not knowing to make a setup hit's me

If anyone could upload the replay for Race 1, wanna make a short video with the battel between me and Carlos
Thank You
Race 1 - Rubbish. I lost FFB on the grid (plus forgot the shortcut key) and was all over the place - so I quit to not be a hazard to others.

Race 2 - Better. Actually got some racing in, most notably with Warren, Andrei & Carlos. Was pretty close in right throughout, and there was passing/repassing action right through the race. Warren & Andrei's coming together threw me a bit, and through the last chicane the recovering Warren & I had a coming together, so I waited for him to recover. Downside to it was that all the waiting meant Carlos disappeared up the road, cutting a potential 4 man battle to just a 3 way (not that Carlos sees this as a downside, of course :D ). After that, I was pretty much nose-to-tail with Warren for the rest of the race. No contact at all, but I had to pull out of a few opportunities, as Warren was struggling with the Kadett as he mentions above. We haven't had one of those in a while, so it was good to get back to the standard.

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