Open wheel oscillation

Hi all,

With open wheel (mainly gen 3) and on long high speed straights such as Spa or classic Hockenheim, i'm experiencing an in-game oscillation which starts small but builds to a point where the front of the car is bouncing left to right very fast. I'm using a DD1 if that narrows anything down. I can't dial it out with any car setup changes and it seems to happen regardless of FFB strength. It feels pretty bad and when breaking tends to put the car into a spin with very large oscillations. Can anyone offer any advice on how to stop the oscillations from happening?

Many thanks.
Initially, I used default but that amplified the issue. I've discovered that the issue only seems to be classic gen 3 group 3. I use basic custom with very low gain and ffb at the moment but it will still occur even then. Its like a sympathetic vibration which builds to uncomfortable levels (with ffb).
I don't own a DD1 specifically, but I tried that car & track combo today and have no oscillations at all on the straights.

Since it's only happening to that one car, when have you last reset it to default setup? Old setups can act up if an update changes someting in a car. If the reset button doesn't help, try renaming the tuningsetups folder in Documents\Automobilista 2\savegame\[NUMBER]\automobilista 2\ and see if that changes anything.

I'd generally recommend using lower FFB strength in the wheel driver and higher in game. Since this prevents jolts from being too brutal, it may also help against oscillations. Maybe add more dynamic damper in game, I run it at 15 and was told this is quite low for DD wheels, so who knows.

A complete breakdown of your wheel and game ffb settings would probably be helpful.
I don't own a DD1 specifically, but I tried that car & track combo today and have no oscillations at all on the straights.

Since it's only happening to that one car, when have you last reset it to default setup? Old setups can act up if an update changes someting in a car. If the reset button doesn't help, try renaming the tuningsetups folder in Documents\Automobilista 2\savegame\[NUMBER]\automobilista 2\ and see if that changes anything.

I'd generally recommend using lower FFB strength in the wheel driver and higher in game. Since this prevents jolts from being too brutal, it may also help against oscillations. Maybe add more dynamic damper in game, I run it at 15 and was told this is quite low for DD wheels, so who knows.

A complete breakdown of your wheel and game ffb settings would probably be helpful.
Hi Gevatter,

I've discovered I cannot use default, default + or custom ffb with a custom file with that car. I can, however, use custom ffb with an auto generated basic file with gain at no more than 50. Any more than that and the car starts to oscillate. FFB on wheel at 80. Any lower and its just totally flat. I reinstalled AMS2, deleted the ams2 documents folder and changed the wheelbase firmware but no change. Just not sure what's going on really.