Those cockpits look absolutely fantastic, and if you're itching for that design, go for it. Be aware, they're using lots of special plate fittings and the cost is going to be very, very high to replicate a cockpit like that. The ready-to-build versions on their site are a good guide; that cockpit is easily a $2000+ build.
It's unique, for sure. Be aware, the "aspect ratio" is a bit elogated for a 4-mount motion system, unless you're willing to bring the front actuators roughly in-line with the wheel mount. Ideally, you have your 4 actuators as close to a square as possible, with the rear actuators mounted as far back as you can get them.
Also, that particular design has those high cross bars quite close to your elbows. I'd want to check that design out to make sure you're not banging your arms when you drive. Alot of that depends on how much bend you want at your elbow when you setup your wheel to seat distance. Some folks like more elbow bend than others. If you're a "bendy" type driver, those high 4040 pieces may be an issue. Also note, that cockpit is for the limber for entry/exit, and it doesn't appear to support a seat slider on the bottom. Maybe not a big deal, just something to be aware of.
The other alternative is a basic 8020 rig with 4080 profiles which can be done in the US for around $600-700. This has the advantage of complete flexibility. That's what I did, and I've very happy with it (1 pic below, just FYI)
Look around, you'll see lots of clever designs here. Good luck.