Osella @ CREMA RSR Sector 2 - Wednesday April 27th

Class: Osella
Track: CREMA RSR Sector 2 Download HERE
Weather: Dry
Race distance: 2x18 laps (1 mandatory pitstop)
Practice start time:19:00GMT
Qualification start time:19:15 GMT
Warm-up start time:
Race start time: 19:30GMT

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here

NOTE: You need to download this track HERE, it is not the same version included in the game.

Sign-up list:

  1. Senad Subasic
  2. Andrew Scott
  3. Steffen Lauge Sorensen
  4. Andy White
  5. Andi Goodwin
  6. Alfonso Martin
  7. Mark Oates
  8. Adam Farmer
  9. Laurent Resende
  10. Jonathan La Trobe-Lewis
  11. Nigel Atkins
  12. Ivan Oldano
  13. Rodney Van der Jeught
  14. Daniel Ouff
  15. Admin
Andrews is not worried, there must be a solution, you have a direct connection to your modem? What type of connection do you have?
Ivan 's suggestion, reinstall the simulation is to try, uninstall the well using the " uninstall " the simulation, because if the error comes from a registry key, everything will be removed and you can get a new clean installation "
Backup your license number and your DRIVERS folder before uninstalling ( file in c: / user / netKarPro / license and drivers )
In principle it does not uninstall the Skins but suavegarde anyway! same for your circuit (this is just a precaution )

Andrews,ne soit pas inquiet ,il doit y avoir une solution ,as tu une connection directe avec ton Modem ? quel type de connection as tu?
la suggestion de Ivan, de réinstaller le simu est a essayer, desinstalle le bien en utilisant le "uninstall" du simu ,car si l'erreur vient d'une clé du registre,tout sera enlevé et tu pourras avoir une nouvelle installation "propre"
sauvegarde ton numéro de license et ton dossier DRIVERS avant de désinstaller (dossier dans c:/user/netKarPro/license et drivers)
en principe il ne désinstalle pas les Skins mais suavegarde les quand meme! pareil pour tes circuits (c'est juste une précaution)
for me the two races have not been a great success,
in the first Ivan me inside to T1, and Nigel started on pole in front of me, I did 2 laps behind him and starts to attack, the third tower T2 her car flew when I was just behind, certainly a problem of Netcode because I did not touch, stand towards the repairs and I go, I began making almost all my laps in 1.24, and managed to take 2nd place, but I replenishing the I crash on the amount of gasoline because in the last oops out of gas at the chicane! lol!!!!!
for the second, like I share in P3 or P4 on the grid, and I am forced to stay inside, Ivan tries to force it, but I can not put myself into the track to let him pass, I I tighten up on the left but the buzzer, I veered slightly to the right and we run! ( T1 is not a place where double!!!!)
return to the stand to get more than the ascent, eventually the same as the first race but with the max gasoline supplies! I managed to go on Nigel ( Nigel bravo! you 'll quickly) and find myself going P1, with the last lap my G25 that I decided to fit two gears at a pace! = half spin! ( that's twice in two races, I 'll have to pass on my G27 ) finally arrive P1 which comforts me a little of the first race!
Bravo to the two podium and maybe a next week

pour moi les deux courses n'ont pas été une super réussite,
dans la premiere Ivan me fait l'intérieur à T1, et nigel parti en pole est devant moi , je fait 2 tours derriere lui et commence à l'attaquer, au troisieme tour a T2 sa voiture s'envole alors que j'étais juste derriere ,certainement un probleme de netcode car je ne l'ai pas toucher,direction les stand je répare et go, je remonte en faisant quasiment tous mes tours en 1.24 ,et réussit a prendre la 2eme place, mais en ravitaillant j'ai du me planter sur la quantité d'essence car dans le dernier oops panne d'essence a la chicane!!!lol!!!!!
pour la deuxieme ,pareil je part en P3 ou P4 sur la grille, et je suis obligé de rester sur l'interieur, Ivan essaye de passer en force ,mais je ne peut pas me mettre dans le rail pour le laisser passer,j'ai serrer au maximum sur la gauche mais le vibreur ,me déporte légèrement a droite et nous nous heurtons!!! (T1 n'est pas un endroit ou doubler!!!!)
retour au stand et c'est reparti pour la remontée, finalement pareil que la premiere course mais avec le max d'essence au ravitaillement !!! je réussit a remonter sur Nigel (bravo Nigel!!tu vas vite) le passe et me retrouve P1, avec dans le dernier tour mon G25 qui décide de me rentre deux vitesse a la pace d'une!! =demi tete a queue !!(cela fait deux fois en deux course,il va falloir que je passe à mon G27) enfin j'arrive P1 ce qui me console un peu de la premiere course!
Bravo aux deux podium ,et peut etre a la semaine prochaine
Well, thank you everybody. Glitches or no, I had a great experience for my first time out.

My experience of the race:

The first race went poorly for me... I was somewhere mid pack on lap 1 and got rear-ended right before the first chicane, and had to box. Second lap, got rear-ended at hairpin 1, I believe. By now, I was two laps down on lead but thought "what the heck, I'll keep going cause it's my first time". First corner of lap 14 (or so), I took a wide line and slowed to let a faster driver by... somebody must've lagged, because I got rear-ended anyhow, and there was no chance that should've happened. LMAO - time to retire. Well, thems the digs, sometimes... chalk it up to experience.

Race 2 went decently... very first corner of lap one, two cars plowed into each ahead of me. I thought I'd managed to avoid it, but one car spun on the track and barely clipped my front right wheel - had to box and start over. After that, I ran some "decent" laps (by my standards), managed to stay on the track, and actually finished the thing in reasonable standing without further ado. The only issues I had were down to spastic control problems on my end - such as losing all FFB in my wheel when pressing my assigned push-to-talk key on my wheel, and the wheel recalibrating center to whatever degree the wheel was in when I let off push-to-talk. Yikes - going to sort that issue before next week!

Already looking forward to next week - cheers fellas!
Andrew why would I blame anyone especially if we don't know where this comes from? If you want we can test it out together tomorrow, I'll leave the server up and we can do a test race. Tell me when, I'm here all day. :)


So I gather the second race went over without this error occuring again?

Paul Im not saying Im to blame, no one is, Im just looking for clues as to why this error has occured twice in the 1st place.
I have some other problems with this NEW PC I built, my graphics drivers keep crashing and recovering, sometimes they lock up requiring a system reboot, so you see theres more to it than meets the eye, I may have a malfunctioning Mobo...warranty job.

I run a b/band connection, it may have something to do with my modem/router, as I cant see my praccy server at all via my main PC, but its visible thru the server itself, I have done all the usual port fowarding in the modem too.

I will re-install netKar today, will also dual boot windows and run my games in 32bit, im running 64 bit only ATM, not that it should be an issue, hasnt been before.

Paul after Im done with reinstalling netkar into Win7 32bit, I will take you up on the offer to test it out, fingers crossed it will be okay, will PM you to organise a time when Im ready mate.

Cheers all.
I really enjoyed the races, and I'm getting better at sim driving all the time. I set my quickest time in the practise and got close to it in the race.

Race 1: careful first lap to stay out of trouble, did well and gained some positions, and then the race finished!

Race 1a: got around the first corner, drove around an incident (good driving skills!), then got clipped by someone spinning on my right, car broken I returned to the box. Just tried to go fast after that and didn't see too many more cars. Came into the pits for fuel, pulled out and driving down the pit lane, a car pulled out of their pit into the side of me! Later I crashed into the wall and had to return to box again!

Race 2: on the grid I couldn't hear my car, got worried, lights went green, nothing... Car behind tried to dodge but hit me - I am sorry to whoever that was. I unplugged my wheel, the USB, the power, nothing. In the end I quit netKar and restarted and it worked. But I was 4 laps down by the time I re-joined the race! My wheel has never done this before, I think/hope it was the game and not my wheel/computer. After that I enjoyed driving around as fast as I could.

Despite my problems I really enjoyed it and can feel myself improving as a driver. By the end of last night I was starting to see where I can get faster, by being braver at throwing the car around certain corners.

I now have new parts for a new PC and hopefully will be able to race with the the graphics on max settings next week! It won't make me faster but it will look beautiful!

Thanks to Paul for organising it and thanks to all the other drivers.
mad couple of races. somehow got 3rd in race 1 from steady laps and trying to stay with Nigel in the Yellow car but it was gain one lap and lose it the next. Laurent came back - stupidly quick driver - and I just held 4th for most until he ran out of gas.
Race 2 i hit a stationary car on the start and ran damaged for 2/3 laps but got to 2nd I think because of lots of carnage ahead of me. Ivan - who is also very fast - didn't brake for the last chichane, whereas i had to do a big lift and it was basically game over - I was tired, lol.
No blame, but some really fast guys need to adjust their braking markers/lines when driving in slower traffic. You will get past on the straights or into t1 etc so just take it easy around people who may be 2 seconds slower alap than you. It's all good though and roll on next week.
Paul, you should set the server to be closed once the race starts as the join lag is often a game killer.
Quite an enjoyable evening. Found myself alone in 3rd for most of race 1. Came under a bit of pressure from Daniel for a couple of laps before I pitted. I was taken by surprise by Laurent on my in lap, he seemed to appear in my mirrors from nowhere. Funny thing was I let him pass because I was pitting, then I watched him dive into the pit lane infront of me, lol. I know he's a lot faster than me so I didn't mind really. Followed Laurent out of the pits and watched him sail into the distance. Bad luck for him that he ran out of fuel, but it was good for me as it gifted me 2nd place.

Sorry I couldn't stay for the second race, sciatica was playing up so I had to rest.

Andrew, I wouldn't have thought any issues you have with your PC would affect the server in such a way. It's almost like the server is resetting itself to a 1 lap race each time. Your PC wouldn't have admin access rights in the server, so even if it's happening on the "dark side" any changes your pc attempts would/should be blocked. Even though you are down under I don't think you are causing any lag. I noticed in the first race we came pretty close in T1 (without any netcode/lag issue). I can only get that close to people with fast connection speeds like myself. I can get really close to some people and daren't go within 20 yards of others. If you were lagging then I would doubt I'd get anywhere near as close to you.

Paul, it might be an idea for everyone to report their ping to you when they enter the lobby next week. It might help you narrow down where the trouble could be coming from.
I know during our club races we have drivers from Europe, USA and Australia. I really hope that this isn't the cause of the problems. We have a nice group here and it would be a crime to have to divide the races up, fingers crossed we can find out what's causing it.
Hi Daniel,
personnellemnt in the race I always try to be up correct, I do not double in dangerous places if I can be faster Q'una another pilot, I have too much respect for the efforts and awareness efforts that Drivers are preparing for their race and improve, if I ruin the race for one of them, in all sincerity that is totally unintentional and it makes me sick
I spent yesterday at my two drivers behind rising for almost a lap before the double safely
( can be from Paul!! lol )
I'll double down the straight before refueling because a place has earned a place once gained!!!!! lol, but I have not doubled before because it would be dangerous could,
I noticed several times that the problems of Netcode was even more evident with Osella, I think I have still suffers with Nigel in the first race T2, or both cars were left to stand for repair, server for these problems there is absolutely nothing, it 's the simulation itself, and while this will not be corrected by Kunos we should do with
Another thing very important: respect for the blue flag during the race ( except the last two laps for the drivers fighting for a place ) there is no point in my opinion to obstruct a driver faster than oneself, anyway there you go, you go one time or another require him to take a maximum of double your risk and risk: 1e) to ruin your race, 2e) or hers and yours. So wisdom and intelligence of course is recommended, just think that race everything is possible and can be fired, or run out of gas!!!!!! lol:frown:
for those who translate better than mine

hi Daniel,
personnellemnt en course j'essaye toujours d'etre un maximum correcte, je ne double jamais dans les endroits dangereux si je sais etre plus rapide q'un autre pilote, j'ai trop de respect pour les efforts et de conscience des efforts que les pilotes font pour préparer leur course et s'améliorer, si je ruine la course d'un d'eux ,en toute sincérité c'est totalement involontaire et cela me rend malade
je suis resté hier lors de mes deux remontée derriere des pilotes pendant presque un tour avant de les doubler en toute sécurité
(peut etre a part Paul!!!! lol ,)
je te double dans la ligne droite avant de ravitailler car une place de gagnée est une place de gagneé!!!!! lol,mais je ne t'ai pas doublé avant car cela aurait put etre dangereux ,
j'aie remarqué a plusieurs reprises que les problemes de netcode était encore plus évident avec l'osella, je crois en avoir encore subit un avec Nigel dans la premiere course a T2, ou nos deux voitures se sont retrouvées aux stand pour réparation, le server pour ces problèmes n'y est absolument pour rien,c'est du aux simu lui meme,et tant que cela ne sera pas corrigé par Kunos nous devront faire avec
autre chose de tres important:c'est le respect du drapeau bleu pendant la course (à part les deux derniers tours pour les pilotes en lutte pour une place) il est inutile à mon avis de faire obstruction a un pilote plus rapide que soi ,de toutes manières il vous passera, vous allez a un moment ou a un autre l'obliger a prendre un maximum de risques pour vous doubler et risquer: 1e) de ruiner votre course,2e )ou la sienne et la votre. donc sagesse et intelligence de course est recommandée ,il suffit de penser qu'en course tout est possible et qu'il peut se virer ,ou tomber en panne d'essence !!!!!!lol
netKar is written in 32 bits, so even on a 64- bit ( I personally use 7 pro 64-bit ) it will always be read in 32 -bit
by cons it is imperative that you installed on your computer NetKar primary ( or have installed your drivers and your modem connection CABLE )
and especially not Wiffi is strictly discouraged
if you want to experiment today, I 'm free all the after noon, you sent me an email: laurent.resende@live.fr

netKar est écrit en 32 bits,donc meme sur un OS 64 bits (j'utilise personnellement 7 pro 64 bits)il sera toujour lut en 32 bits
par contre il est impératifs que tu installes NetKar sur ton Ordinateur principal (celui ou sont installé tes pilotes de modem et ta connection CABLE)
et surtout pas de wiffi ,c'est strictement déconseillé
si tu veut faire des essais aujourd'hui ,je suis libre tout l'apres midi ,tu m'envoit un mail
Andrew, I wouldn't have thought any issues you have with your PC would affect the server in such a way. It's almost like the server is resetting itself to a 1 lap race each time. Your PC wouldn't have admin access rights in the server, so even if it's happening on the "dark side" any changes your pc attempts would/should be blocked. Even though you are down under I don't think you are causing any lag. I noticed in the first race we came pretty close in T1 (without any netcode/lag issue). I can only get that close to people with fast connection speeds like myself. I can get really close to some people and daren't go within 20 yards of others. If you were lagging then I would doubt I'd get anywhere near as close to you.

Andy, I know its not to do with lag, my connection speed is quite high at my exchange (1mb up, 6mb down) but my actual line speed is substantially slower by about 50%.
I do remember us getting very close indeed at T1, was surprised we got away with it :)

I Know by rights my PC shouldnt have any affect on an online server Im racing on, but technology doesnt always behave as it should and windows is renowned for going awol, lol, Im sure we've all had that experience.
Whats wierd about this is the way the server holds my pratice lap time when it switched to Qualifying and reset everyone elses, it happend the week before as well, but it wasnt occuring prior to me joining the events or after I left the server the other night (can someone please confirm this for me???), so it seems something is amiss with the way my game communicates with the server, well thats the only solid theory that comes to mind.

I reinstalled nKP, but Im getting graphics freeze constantly on ATI and nVidia cards, I think its Win7 64, Ive had issues before with 64 bit and ATI drivers, cant work out why though, setting up a dual boot system today see if that sorts it out.

I will overcome this problem before the next event, Ive never been beaten by tech before and thats not about to change, lol, Im a stubborn old fart!!! just ask my wife hehehehe.

Paul, I will probly test over the weekend, let ya know when, its much appreciated mate.

Laurent, thank you for your offer to help sort my problem, it is also much appreciated, but I think It will be good with a dual boot system I use to run 32-64 a while back but got slack with it when I assembled this Computer.

Keep ya posted on my progress :)

Cheers all
I reckon its a ping issue for you. I have a faily old school laptop - core 2 duo 2.2 chips and 2x 256 nvidia sli cards. Netkar is a ***** for me at higher resolutions and i had to fiddle with the graphics a lot to get a stable 60fps in vsynch. lower resolutions have a big big effect on fps and stutter, moreso than rfactor i find. Not being able to turn the sfx off or down is a problem but you can turn the shadows off in the cfg file to gain a better framerate and hence stability.

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