I've been battling (and smashing) various old phones and tablets over the years, trying unsuccessfully to mount them properly and failing so gave in and went looking for something more permanent, cheap enough and prettier. I eventually stumbled across the OSP display, it's a neat 5" 800x480 panel, requires just an HDMI connection and then uses SimHub (or other telemetry software) to display your dash.
Am sure you could build something yourself cheaper but it was fitted, with a custom bracket for the wheel, and running within minutes so great for lazy people Works perfectly with my triples, which are set so I can rarely see any of the cars gauges/displays, and means I can remove most of the intrusive on-screen stuff for even more immersion. The only potential negative I could see is that if you have large sausage fingers and a T300 wheel then the gap between the paddle-shifters and screen is pretty small (around 25mm) but it's fine for me and if you used fingertips then it wouldn't be a problem anyway.
Am sure you could build something yourself cheaper but it was fitted, with a custom bracket for the wheel, and running within minutes so great for lazy people Works perfectly with my triples, which are set so I can rarely see any of the cars gauges/displays, and means I can remove most of the intrusive on-screen stuff for even more immersion. The only potential negative I could see is that if you have large sausage fingers and a T300 wheel then the gap between the paddle-shifters and screen is pretty small (around 25mm) but it's fine for me and if you used fingertips then it wouldn't be a problem anyway.