Skins Paint work glossiness

I was just wondering out of interest what controls the glossiness and reflection of a car skin. One particular car I use regularly which should have normal gloss paintwork actually appears satin. Is there anyway that this can be altered easily?

Many Thanks.
Reflection map. Open the car in CM showroom, select car body, txMap is the name of the reflection map. Red channel is specular intensity, green channel is reflection sharpness, blue channel is reflection intensity.

Another way, especially if the reflection map alone isn't enough to achieve the desired look, is to make a material change via CSP. In assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\common there are templates for CSP shader changes.

is the function of the maps channels. 'standard' is to put ao map in red/blue, white in green.

The basic settings that set the starting point are
ksSpecular - spot brightness
ksSpecularEXP - specular spot size & reflection sharpness (higher is smaller + sharper)
isAdditive - 0 uses equal values, 2 multiplies ksSpecularEXP by 256 to determine reflection sharpness
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Hi and thanks for all the replies, this is all a bit above my paygrade if I'm being honest. I did find dds file called map_body which is a pale green colour. Also comparing some different cars I see that only some have a est_config file in the skin folder that lists the paint material details.
Reflection map. Open the car in CM showroom, select car body, txMap is the name of the reflection map. Red channel is specular intensity, green channel is reflection sharpness, blue channel is reflection intensity.

Another way, especially if the reflection map alone isn't enough to achieve the desired look, is to make a material change via CSP. In assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\common there are templates for CSP shader changes.
Could you please explain those terms like specular intensity, sharpness and intensity? I'm trying to do a spec map by trial and error but I can't understand how to achieve specific finishing. I can do it in iRacing since there's plenty of guides on YT but almost anything regarding AC and it looks like the maps in AC work differently than in iRacing.
As an example, to achieve a metallic/matte/satin finishing what do I need to tone up/down? Is there a guide?
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Could you please explain those terms like specular intensity, sharpness and intensity? I'm trying to do a spec map by trial and error but I can't understand how to achieve specific finishing. I can do it in iRacing since there's plenty of guides on YT but almost anything regarding AC and it looks like the maps in AC work differently than in iRacing.
As an example, to achieve a metallic/matte/satin finishing what do I need to tone up/down? Is there a guide?
Specular spot is fundamentally the reflection of a very bright light source (the sun). So if you look at the part of the material the sun's reflecting off, how bright and how large that spot is is what you need to match. Intensity is brightness, basically the value at the center of the spot. Sharpness is how you set the size, though it's inverted from if it was actually size - a higher number is more sharp, a smaller spot. Metallic -> usually pretty sharp and bright. matte -> soft and dim. Satin -> soft and bright.