AC Panda Challenge @ Pereira's Custom Racetrack - Tuesday/Wednesday 28/29th December 2021

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
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What happened Ernie? You caught me with 5 minutes to go and I was expecting a pass then you disappeared behind the sofa. Was it the spider that got you?:confused:.
Other than that it was a pretty boring time with so few drivers, I got the jump on Ernie at the start but Han’s yellow Panda soon became a black dot that disappeared. Great fun track though, thanks to Han for setting it up and for Derick for the track build. Happy New Year everyone!
Yes it just went pop, why I don’t know. I use paddle shifts so I can’t miss a gear.
At first I thought I had run out of fuel, it was a very unspectacular pop.:(
After a few laps I noticed that I shifted too early with too high revs to 2nd just before T1 and that damaged the engine. After that I did my turn in in 3rd and shifted to 2nd on the slope. That was a few tenths slower but I didn't damage my engine anymore. Also when you stay in 3rd on the steep slope down the revs get too high.
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After a few laps I noticed that I shifted too early with too high revs to 2nd just before T1 and that damaged the engine. After that I did my turn in in 3rd and shifted to 2nd on the slope. That was a few tenths slower but I didn't damage my engine anymore. Also when you stay in 3rd on the steep slope down the revs get too high.
Easy to over rev this little Fiat to try to extract more speed, I was probably being a bit too cautious in the race and was changing up to fourth on the down slope and doing as Han said in T1. My lap times were slower, probably why Han disappeared and Ernie caught me but I got to the finish.

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