Misc ParkYongLee started crying...

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AA26 submitted a new resource:

My Team Emblem Modular Mod - Allow you to use your custom Emblem as Modular Mod

I just added a simple mod that allow to use personal emblem with modular mods insteat touch original files, since there not was a mod that do it.

Installation: copy\paste the folder "2020_asset_groups" in the game directory (this allows to use MyTeam_Emblem.erp as modular mod)

Add to Modular Mods 'ACTIVE' folder the file MyTeam_Emblem.erp, after the dds change by user obviously.

Since theres is F1 2021 Modular Mod i think author may be busy in other works so i added the modified file...

Read more about this resource...
Entonces, si descargo este archivo, ¿puedo agregar a mi equipo? Gracias
Yes, you can use all modular mods, i only added the line for the emblem file erp.
Anyway i saw on file that an emblem on teampackage_myteam.erp is present. But i don't know which replaces... the file contain a customizable layer so you find it on colorable emblems.
Mine replaces the anniversary emblem as standalone version.
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Hm, I don't know why you think I am somehow busy with F1 2021 where my profile page stated often enough I don't care about F1 2021 ... but until now, people asked me beforehand, if they can include parts of my mod, especially a changed assetgroup file, into their mod.
And so far I have only made one exception on that and that was for an exceptional mod.

Further, since a modular emblem is already part of my modular team package, there was no need for this mod.

And since I am not in the most pleased mood today, I hereby ask you to reconsider taking it off by yourself and next time ask for any permission and not let me randomly discover it because I was bored enough to check out RD again.
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