F1 2011 (PC) Why are you not interested in RD racing club races ?

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
Hello to everyone,
its friday evening and i found it very strange, that of all of people registred here we will take part in RD club race only 4.
Does almost everyone here own only xbox or ps3 ? or for what reason PC owners are not racing in club races. I would like to know what is the reason. If you will be so kind and reply, the guys who are hosting these events can make some changes to attract more ppl to racing in club races.
Thank you for reading i hope we will see each other in the race.
Jan Masek
I would be interested but I'm not sure what mods I'm using would work online or not.

I've a few track mods which didn't work online in 2010, damage modifier (this would be great if this worked online as it forces you not to drive past people using dirty tactics without a high risk of damage), AI mod and more.

I'm also only on Valencia in my career so looking to progress this before venturing online. I won't be doing any online racing (PS3 or PC) until patch 2 is out anyway, I like playing with AI online for the full 24 grid lineup and they are just brutal online atm.
the reason why i have stopped racing online is im waiting for the next patch.The races that i did do online were plagued with bugs and the lag is out of this world which i think might be the reasons why alot of the hits are happening.im not even praticing for the league offline until they release the next patch.so to im playing battlefield3 and uncharted 3 to take up the time until the patch.
I would be interested but I'm not sure what mods I'm using would work online or not.

I've a few track mods which didn't work online in 2010, damage modifier (this would be great if this worked online as it forces you not to drive past people using dirty tactics without a high risk of damage), AI mod and more.

I'm also only on Valencia in my career so looking to progress this before venturing online. I won't be doing any online racing (PS3 or PC) until patch 2 is out anyway, I like playing with AI online for the full 24 grid lineup and they are just brutal online atm.

Damage mod does work online mate, and i think everybody who is serious should run it.

You pay for your mistakes and there is most certainly a reason not to rub and bump like some sort of stock car rubbish.

Cheers mate, just though i would let you know it does work in there.

the reason why i have stopped racing online is im waiting for the next patch.The races that i did do online were plagued with bugs and the lag is out of this world which i think might be the reasons why alot of the hits are happening.im not even praticing for the league offline until they release the next patch.so to im playing battlefield3 and uncharted 3 to take up the time until the patch.

Yeah i have to agree that the game right now is so bugged it's ridiculous. I practise for a race and then find game bugs and other issues at the beginning or during the race that ruins it totally for me. I'm sick of black screens, fading white screens, cars with no wheels and big poles sticking up from them into the sky, disconnects (not my end) and really sick of starting my career over and over because of savegame or f1 executable probs...arghhhhh!! Never will i buy a CM game again me thinks.

Damage mod does work online mate, and i think everybody who is serious should run it.

You pay for your mistakes and there is most certainly a reason not to rub and bump like some sort of stock car rubbish.

Cheers mate, just though i would let you know it does work in there.


Yeah Mike, imagine if everybody ran the damage mod at 1.6 (real life damage). Boy wouldn't that change the mindset of all the rammers and bumpers out there hehe. They'd never get past the first corner and would soon learn to drive with patience and respect for others. :)
I don't race because I don't really have the time to put in to race online, alongside that I bought F1 2011 for the single player, If I was going to race I would probably spend time with one of the other titles. Rfactor, NetKar, GT5, iRacing etc.
I had planned to do plenty of RD club racing in F1 2011, however, the 11/11 bug as well as other bugs and nuisances have put me off of multiplayer for the time being. If I wanted to play an arcade racing game, I'd do that - but not F1 2011.
However, I fully intend to start doing lots of online racing as soon as the patch hits and hope to become a regular in RD club racing ;-)
Hello again,
I have read all your posts, thank you for respoding.

@clean racing - I consider myself as clean driver, yes sometimes human error (losing back, brake lock) make little touch with other but never to make them spin or compromise their race. and YES i drove with some ppl that have problems to properly brake into the corner right, but we can suggest them more training before they take part in races in the future. I would like to invite all of you please take part in some of Club races give us "newbies" a chance.

@ Race start time - moustly start 19.00 GMT ... i understand if you have GMT -8 its lunch time for you, but why dont you try to create session with time acceptable for you ? i can only speak for myself but if you will create race during week lets say at 13.00 GMT or 02.00 GMT i will be in :)

@ 11/11 bug ... if you look at any race started in last week highest allowed springs was 9/9, we trust each other that we follow that rule .. and for thouse who are suspicious we figure out easy system how to prove it (if somebody new is comming) record it ! (fraps, MSI afterburner) how easy is that .... btw what do you think that CM will does with the bug ? the will not rework entire suspension because they did that for 2011 only thing they will do by my guess is removing 10 and 11 level of springs and stretch currrent level 9 to 11.

@bugs in general .... i can consider myself as lucky guy.. i was just once "killed" with a bug that seriously affect me in all races i was taking part in ( 200 races +-) , hard to say what you personally consider as a bug i leave it to your choice , but I prefer racing instead of complaining abouth the game, IMHO F1 2011 is just awesome nothing less.

Thank you again for reading i hope we meet each other in next race.
motto of the day : if you looking for excuse you will find one.
Jan Masek
Aggressive driving DOES take the fun out of the races imo. If you qualify in the midfield you're pretty much bound to have a bump/spin/nudge in the first few corners.

However, I do feel that it's been a bit better in the past few weeks (with some exceptions, like the occational Hamilton-move here and there). For example, the invitational race that was held was pretty nice imo..
Scott and Bill did a pretty good job explaining why it is less people online now, I pretty much agree with what they wrote.
Yes, the bugs play a part in it too but mostly it is the lack of respect for the other drivers that put me off. As I said many times before, everybody does misstakes and incidents will happend but it is how you respond and react to them that really matters.

I have not hosted any races in a long time now, and I normally have no problem letting 'new' drivers in, but as things have progressed here I am very careful when doing so and I find it sad that it has come to that.
Where is your GFWL ID.... Do you not want anyone to know who you are?

@ Tracy - norman biscuits GFWL = the evans boy

@ OP - I gave the RD 2011 club races a fair crack, but after a month or so, it was clear that things were never going to settle down.

Not surprising really as this forum seems to have become a bit forgotten. Post race is not regulated. People who try to uphold the licence rules and conduct are shot down in flames after the race and branded elitest.
In 2010 the community enjoyed self regulating races, were respectful of each other, matters normally settled on track and even when discussions continued after the race on the forum, people would conduct themselves properly even if they had to agree to disagree on matters.

This formula 1 community was a lot bigger than 3 people. We have enjoyed league racing with 3 full grids of decent racers, countless club races. Yes maybe only a handful of people are bothering to voice an opinion, but there is at least a pool of around 20 racers who are not coming here anymore and have silently voted with their feet.

This is no dig at James Chant, he has a personal life, but this forum is crying out for more moderators, and I dont just mean the club section - maybe even moderators/stewards who actually do the club races and can help out the host and fellow racers to enforce the RD rules and track conduct.

elitist dickhead attitudes like this are definitely a turn off.

no-one speaking on voice comms, no bonding.

unfriendly stand-offish community - totally looking at the "regulars".

@ Norman - You have epitomised exactly my point with your rather ineloquent post. Obviously I respect your opinion, but the reality of whats happening to the 2011 RD club would indicate that you might want to have a rethink.

These regulars you refer to, was pretty much the entire RD Formula 1 2010 community. The community and its mutual respect and the licensing rules was what made the 2010 races work so well. You seem to be hung up on it being a bad thing.

RD is a big forum but its not the only forum which organises F1 races. There are places where community spirit and rules still apply. Moderators/stewards actually race and therefore can enforce conduct. There is a post race poll where if a racers gets too many votes, they suffer a penalty, which adds incentive to drive clean and respectfully - with RD there is no consequence, and with that no lessons learned, no community spirit and no fun anymore.
Paul well said, this forum needs more Moderators imo, Jame's Chant has a life like we all do and isn't on 24/7 , we all come on at different times and check the forums, 1 person for over 300+ people a day doing this section, it's a far cry.

I totally agree with the last paragraph Paul, you hit the nail on the head and that is exactly why i do not race, "if" i was to come back at somepoint after the patch if it is improved, then i may just enforce my own rules for them races which ofcourse will obide by the RD Rule's but more will be added if neccasary.

im liking Sim Racing more and more now, but the fun we had was amazing in 2010, i just hope it can be relived once again in 2011 if the patch is great and improvements are made in general on here.
Its all Scotts fault lol.

Id still race if he hadnt been shouting about Stock Car.

Even though i wasnt involved with 2010 racing I can see a huge difference in attitudes from when 2011 first came out. Post race forums became more of a slagging match between people than an after race report.

The win at all costs mentality of some people made racing less fun with every race. Me im not going to win unless everyone else disconnects. But that isnt what i joined RD and F12011 for. I just wanted to be involved with like minded people and have some fun.

When and if the game gets fixed. I might see if its fun to join in again, but untill then im focusing on GSC which in my own opinion is alot better and loads more fun.
I don't race in any of the RD Racing clubs for a couple of reasons. Reason one was I don't think I know the later tracks well enough to be able to race on them with real racers. My second reason is I've recently lost the use of my right foot for a couple of months and can't play without my pedals. :frown:. I trust people that sign up here to not exploit the (former, I think....can't play yet =/)11/11 bug, and so that wasn't a concern of mine. That being said, I haven't actually taken part in a RD race yet...but these are my reasons for not running...yet :)
Personally , I dо not sign for RD races just because my wheel is broken at.My pedals are broken.
Still i think that the major issue is that people find RD racing league/club for hard and dependent, requiring a high level of driving skill , or even good wheel to be competitive with the rest. You must accept that driving with GT27,GT25 isn't the same as driving any wheel below 60$ price without official support in-game.It is not about only driving skill.The advantage is noticeable.
The people doesn't want to join because they are too scared to not collide with someone without the intention of this and getting the charge of no skill crusher because in this community it is very easy to make a thread after the race and accuse him in unsportsmen driving.
We need to race mostly for fun and not to show each others who is the best unbeatable driver in RD racing club or league.
I think that's why it is hard to fill the RD online races with new players.
I do not have nothing against the online driving RD rules.They are fair enough. But it will take time to convince the people that we drive only for fun because this is only a game and we don't have a prize for being n1.

Personally , I dо not sign for RD races just because my wheel is broken at.My pedals are broken.
Still i think that the major issue is that people find RD racing league/club for hard and dependent, requiring a high level of driving skill , or even good wheel to be competitive with the rest. You must accept that driving with GT27,GT25 isn't the same as driving any wheel below 60$ price without official support in-game.It is not about only driving skill.The advantage is noticeable.

Agreed man.Well said.
Reading through the comments I find that most of the reasons posted against playing in RD club races are based on prejudice and ignorance. Most of you assume RD racers are some kind of pro and leet group that race at unbelievable pace and exploit bugs to achieve quicker lap times... When the truth is so much different.

Of course, there are some racers whose skill and time spent racing is beyond the average Joe's, but most of us are regular racers like any of you. And you can actually see that ingame, most battles for position are midfield where player's skills are most similar to each other, not ahead in battle for P1.

Also, don't be afraid of being blamed at if you make a mistake during race, we're all human and make mistakes. Just try to be a bit more careful in 1st lap and usually rest of the race will be a blast.

If you haven't already, give RD Club races a try, it's very likely you won't be disappointed. :)
I came here and got my license and signed up for my first race. I was really nervous going into it but i tried to stay out of peoples way and just tried to enjoy the race and do my best. Since then i have taken part in other races where i have not even driven the circuits before the qualifying session before the actual race. All i have to say is not to be afraid to sign up for a club race. I haven't even been here very long and i have learnt so much about racing and almost feel at home here. I also realised that i wasn't as slow as i had originally thought i was.

I know a lot of people have been put of because of the more experienced drivers. And that some of the more experienced drivers have been put of because of the new people that maybe aren't fully aware of the rules and maybe are still learning. However of course there are some exceptions but i think (like i said in the club chat thread thingy) we need to find a way of managing and applying the rules.

All i recommend is to give it a go :wink:

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